Need assistance with GBA AGS-101 Backlight Mod

So! This was my first shot at modding a console, and from what I can tell it's gone as horribly as expected. My first solder job was kinda gross, and I ended up slightly singing the board after finishing. Here's the kicker: Each boot gives me one red and green light in super quick succession without any response from the screen. Same result from both on and off position. I know I messed up, but I don't know how I messed up or how to fix my mess up. Please please please leave a response! I'd appreciate any input that could clue me in.
Took a shot at that earlier and got a bunch of error messages. I'm also away from my computer, so I'll see what I can do as soon as I can. Appreciate the patience, friend!
And if you could take pictures of both sides of the board would be very helpful. Pictures are key here. The more, the better we will be able to help you. And if you want more help, it wouldn't hurt to post this question on the BitBuilt forums as well.
Ok. Here's the images through a different host:

Same images, but html;
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0014" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0018" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0019" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0020" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0021" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0022" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="KIMG0023" border="0"></a>

Sure hope that works. I added some more images as you suggested, but I lost the video. No big deal, just imagine the red/green light on the GBA flickering on and off for a split second. Thanks so much for your patience and advice.
I am not entirely sure because the picture is a bit blurry when i zoom in, but it looks like the spot you soldered could be creating a short. Look and make sure there is nothing touching right there. If there is, clean it out and if you have to, resolder it.
For next time, if you copy and paste the link that says "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" it'll work perfectly on here.