N64p kit discussion (Split)

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Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Cool, now I can address this:
ShockSlayer said:
That's your opinion and you are entitled to that, however many people who have made more portables than you disagree.
Way to try to discredit me just because I haven't made a portable.
Kind of offensive.
I'm okay with you splitting the topic but it's not a good idea to leave this part open, especially after everyone's done and moved on; it's waaay too late in this party.
I agree, it's best to continue working this out in private.

And mesojdm, I'm sorry all this had to happen in your thread(s), but I assure you this is not usually how things are done here. Please don't let it scare you from sharing any future projects you may have.
No, no Dang it. Last night I was tired, tired as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* of everything.
Zero, I'm sorry.

I am not going to roll over for you anymore Palmer, I'm settling this, here and now, publicly.

It's my turn.

PalmerTech said:
You are right, he deserves better than to have his project hijacked and subsequently locked/"Skyone'd" by ModRetro administrators. With that in mind, I took the time to split all the BS into this new thread where this discussion can go on.

SS, you are justified in about half of what you say. The other half? You are being a massive, astronomical dick. This guy is a dreamer with some serious skills, are you honestly ripping into him for making a dead sexy portable just because it is not smaller than you? I have bought two of your portables, man. One of them (The GCp) arrived DOA due to shoddy wiring and ghetto battery soldering and the other one (That N64p) worked for a few hours... Until it overheated and permanently died because you used SUPERGLUE (A thermal insulator) as thermal paste to glue the heatsink directly to the chips.

You have skills, don't get me wrong. But you were making STUPID mistakes even after you had quite a few portables under your belt, and you know what? Not a single of of them has looked nearly as good as this one.

Aside from all that, this is his FIRST portable. People build all kinds of flaxboxes that get way more praise than this, and frankly, it is just plain sad that you would act like this just because you are "THE GODang SHOCKSLAYER". I respect you on a lot of levels bro, but stuff like this is why I can't bring myself to ever hand the reigns over to you, in terms of owning/running ModRetro. You are too arrogant, too abrasive, and perhaps even too unstable to be the person making the final call on everything. It happens over and over again, with only minor changes to the details.

Do I think the kit idea will go very far? No, I honestly don't, and I told him so (You all did a good job of telling him the reasons why). But this uncalled for hostility has to stop, if only to stop driving potentially great members like this guy to other sites. You had reason to call him out when he started the kit thread, but he has since demonstrated that he has as much or more talent than almost any other modder, a category that you may fall squarely within.

Listen here, buddy. That, that is nothing but a personal attack. What you wrote there was nothing like my posts in that other thread; I was told that over the course I went too far, you managed to go too far in one post.

Sure, you didn't know that I had sent off like 10 PM's yesterday, but that doesn't change anything. Like you said, we're just doing the same dance over and over again. This isn't the first time I've heard all this, I'm sure we could find similar posts and chatlogs.

I'm tired of you, Palmer. I'm tired of the way you treat me after everything I do. I put my heart and soul into this site, I've made tons of guides, helped tons of people, answered tons of PMs, spent tons of my time on this site to the point of where it was just plain unhealthy. I love ModRetro, I love the community, and I've got a lot of great friends here. I don't think anyone would question that. You know that I would take care of it.

You're just a spiteful jerk with a thing for hanging onto the past, whether it be bacteria kicking over your sand castle, or me "abusing power," whatever. I've moved on, bac's moved on, so has everyone else. Doesn't mean we don't talk about it, but whatever. What do you have to show since creating ModRetro? What is your greatest triumph? Sure, I've had plenty of rodeos like this before, but I got over those hurdles as they came, in no small part to a forgiving community.

I just plain don't want to work with you anymore, and as long as I'm a part of this site, I'm going to have to deal with you. So, let the community decide. Who's more fit to run ModRetro?

You or me?

Or should I just walk?

Jelly once told me, "If it's not fun, don't do it." Well, it isn't fun working for you anymore. I don't want to. You can run your site yourself.

This is my last stand, I love what I do here, but I can't continue if you are going to treat me like this. I will leave if I have to. I'm not going to argue with you anymore.

SS is right, Palmer. In my honest opinion, I feel like you've faded from this site almost completely; Obviously for good reason, I have you on Facebook, and I see your constant triumphs at your job.

You've got your life going, and modretro just keeps on going without you. I've been here close to the dang beginning, and in that time you've gradually shifted your focus from us, to your life. I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any means; you've got a wonderful girl, and a solid job, you're definitely going places..

But where you go will definitely not be here. I've honestly always considered SS more of our leader than yourself, don't take offense to that, it's just that he's pretty much laid the ground work in everything there is here. There's not a portable work log that doesn't have a post of his in it, nor a guide that he didn't help create. Even if you decide to demote him, or give him the reigns, I'll always consider him the one true leader of our family here. You're more like a god of lore, you were spoken of a lot, but you're elusive, and hard to find.

Just my opinion.

SS is best leader.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.

Stop for a second and think what you're doing, guys. We are a community, not just admins and members and noobs. 99.9% of us is here because we like portabilizing and hardware hacking. Not because we WORSHIP SS or have undying Manlove for Palmer. It's about the hardware, man! The consoles! The thrill of powering up your screen! The agony of the iron slipping and bridging all your pins! Even the noobs understand this- that's why they stick around, because they too want to experience that excitement someday.

In any forum, tensions run high when admin styles and egos clash. But if there's one thing I've learned, in my many, many years of adminning, it's that sometimes you need to step back from a fight, shelve your ego, and think about what really matters. Is it worth tearing apart Modretro? This amazing community you've built- and amazing collection of members you've built- over this?
ShockSlayer said:
I just plain don't want to work with you anymore, and as long as I'm a part of this site, I'm going to have to deal with you. So, let the community decide. Who's more fit to run ModRetro?

You or me?

Last time you wanted a coup, I told you to feel free to make a poll about this. I even reminded you a few days later, and it never happened.

You have had people messaging you to tell you that you crossed the line, and I have gotten messages from people thanking me for standing up. Notice that the only person who seems to be really and truly upset about this is you? On top of that, I don't think many (If any) members here share your assessment of me as a "spiteful jerk". As far as I know, we are both pretty well liked people.

I jumped to personal comparisons for good reason, not because I wanted to attack you. Not until recently did you have any sort of history for raising the bar on portables, and acting like this guy has to match that is unfair.

I do know you are a great admin, and that you put a ton of time into this site. But there needs to be someone capable of being neutral in charge, not a loose cannon like you. Most of the time, far upwards of 99%, you do nothing but good. The other 1% that comes up every few months is not particularly becoming. It is not the job of staff to rip on new members, even if they do deserve it. What is my greatest accomplishment? I will admit that modding wise, they are not in the field of portabilizing, which is why I work for the military building virtual reality simulation hardware. But ModRetro wise? I am by no means perfect, and have made mistakes, but I think I do a pretty good job of holding this place together. Same goes for the rest of our staff, most of whom have never completed a portable. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that MR has some of the best staff of any forum on the internet, regardless of subject, and that clearly shows that having some great modding triumph is not a prerequisite for running a community well. Heck, Beta was the first person to step in with a critique, and he has not finished a portable himself!

If you really thought you had a good reason to take over, you should have told me. About the the first I heard of your idea was several members telling me that you said I was considering handing MR over to you, which is not remotely true. We subsequently argued this to death in private, and I thought that we had an understanding.

I am sorry you feel the way you do, because I still like you a lot, and I think you truly are a god tier member. If you want to make this an all-or-nothing game, then know that you are probably the only person who wants it to happen.

@Thursty: I am not that hard to find. :P If people PM or email me, they always get a reply. I read the forums, and when I have time (Like this past summer) I participate all the time! Regardless, I don't want to demote/get rid of SS. My goal is to avoid embarrassments like this in the future.

@Aux: Good perspective.
Here it goes...

SS should be leader/head admin/king/ruler or whatever the position is.

Palmer, I've been here since the beginning and I've seen this community grow and change. We need someone who is constantly on this site, someone who is always online. Palmer, you are a great guy. You've got a job at a military research facility, you're the head editor of your local online newspaper, you have a loving girlfriend and in general you seem to have a great life. There's no doubt in my mind that you aren't going to be successful, I could turn on the TV in 20 years and see your name as a presidential candidate and wouldn't be surprised. There's only 24 hours in a day, and it seems that your time is spent elsewhere. That's not a bad thing either, I've seen all that you accomplished.

I know that you created this site but SS did most of the building. Leaders change over time, that's reality. Palmer, I think that it's time that you gave SS the reigns. Yeah, he could have acted nicer and maybe he is a tad arrogant but no one is perfect, everyone is flawed. I know you feel SS isn't fit to lead, but if the community continues to grow and expand we need someone who will always be online for us. Also, it's not like he would have full control, we have other admins and mods and general members who can act as a checks and balances system to his leadership. I'm not saying you should leave or fade away completely because I don't want either of you to leave. I just think it's time to step down.

You have life to live Palmer, and that life currently doesn't involve us. You've got a name to write in the history books and I can tell you, it probably won't have modretro attached.

SS is the best man for the job, Palmer.
It's not like SS is always online either.

In fact, I see Palmer online WAY more than I see SS.

And I'm going to give my honest opinion and say that I think Palmer is the only person I can see in charge of this site. He is a natural leader.
ShockSlayer is a great guy. But I honestly can't see him running this site.

Also, why the Heck do we have to have ONE leader? There should be multiple people with the same amount of power. A system of checks and balances should be in place.
I did not want a coup, you told me in chat that I should tell you when I am financially able to take over paying for MR(and I am!) You were serious about it, I saw a chance to finally take the reigns and start getting things done, like all of the ideas we have had over the years that you never bothered going forward with.

It did not happen immediately, no. I prioritized other things over it, and you made it pretty clear that you didn't want to give anything up, so I did not press the issue. You brought it up again here, figured it was time to find out for real. So far IMO, the response has either been "for" or "neutral," both perfectly justifiable sides.

The PM's I received were all mostly positive ones, actually, there was only one that wasn't fantastic but it was resolved by the end. (Tchay, again, I am sorry.) Sure it was mentioned that I could've been slightly nicer by some, others were "I don't actually think you were harsh enough, this guy doesn't know what the Heck he's doing."

You attacked me plain and simple, doesn't matter how you try to justify it, or reword what it was. It was an attack, it hurt my feelings, and it was bad for showing how strong our staff was.

Recently? It was 2010 when I posted the STILL worlds smallest n64 portable. It is 2012 now. You obviously haven't been keeping up wit the subject of a fourm you own.
You do a good job of paying for the site, that's about all I have seen you do, besides argue with me.
Beta's contributed plenty more than you have, even if he's negative a ton.

I did have good reason, it's because I and several others(as shown) believe I make a better leader than you do.

If your goal was really to avoid embarassments, you would not have split this thread and unlocked it. You would not have embarrassed the entire forum by posting a largely unprovoked attack(you called it an announcement) against bacteria after how long?

@Afro: How many posts do I make a day throughout the day? I'm talking about online on the actual forum, not on toast's chat. My apologies, I try to get on chat when I can.

ShockSlayer said:
You would not have embarrassed the entire forum by posting a largely unprovoked attack(you called it an announcement) against bacteria after how long?

We are working out the rest of this in private, but that was not unprovoked. A MBB staff member had just wiped out our wiki, and Bac fully supported it.
ShockSlayer said:
@Afro: How many posts do I make a day throughout the day? I'm talking about online on the actual forum, not on toast's chat. My apologies, I try to get on chat when I can.
This is true.

Also, I'm not at all trying to say that you're a bad leader or a bad guy. I think you're awesome.

But if I had to pick ONE leader (which I don't agree with, but anyway), I would pick Palmer.
You occasionally have bouts of... I don't know what to call it... but you seem to have these breakdowns sometimes and they are usually pretty bad.

Palmer on the other hand has not had one of these (at least not publicly).

But once again, you're not a bad leader or a bad person. You know I love you, dude.
I'm your avatar, that comforted me throughout our bout in that other thread, it's not like you and I haven't been down this road before. <3

Good God, People...


Just about everything in this thread is 120% unnecessary.

If flax goes down, dibs on ModRetro.
Yeah, That's right, Dibs. Mother*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ers.

I think it's better to discuss it than to just push it under the rug like we have been doing.
It only causes more drama to just ignore it.
This is asking for Civil War.


Palmer is very responsive in all PM's I have ever sent him. And my PMs come out of the blue sometimes and he jumps right on them. I met the guy in person a while back. He is a great guy, no one seems to have any arguments there (aside from SS), but most importantly he is levelheaded (if a bit quirky at times :P ).

SS, not to be rude, and I don't know your whole situation, but from that phone call we had, are you really financially able to take over paying for MR???

Yes Palmer attacked you. This happens in debates all the time. He is pointing out how you had no right to act the way you did in that project thread. I seem to have gotten some level of agreement on that in our PMs even if it was minor and a bit reluctant.

SS, there is no doubt in my mind that Palmer would and does make a better site admin than you. Let that be known publicly. That said, you're a great member 99% of the time, and you help out in countless ways. Who knows? I may not have finished the Envision if it weren't for you. Or at least I wouldn't have gotten it done by Christmas. And the fact that I am now having a working headphone jack??? I slept so good last night because of that.

But just because you are a great member and an active one does not mean you can ultimately lead this site. There is a level of emotional maturity displayed by Palmer that I have not seen from you on this scale of discussion. Its that emotional maturity along with his levelheaded and usually omniscient presence, that gives me comfort in being a member on this site.
There shouldn't even be anything to discuss. The contents of this thread have just been going further and further downhill, and the further they go, the more problems start.

flax's been said, Feelings have been hurt, authorities have been challenged, and one guy even lost his Admin status because of this bullflax.
This isn't discussing, it's just degrading further and further into a middle school flax fest, with everyone putting on the illusion of some sort of maturity in regards to the situation.

All of this could have been prevented if a few select people had the foresight to just say "It's really nice casework, and I appreciate the drive you have; but I doubt this would succeed as a mass produced kit." Or to just click on and still their fingers.

The guy was showing off his finished project, he wasn't pushing his plans for the future in the thread other than "I'm going to paint the other one Pearl White." There was no reason to bring up the Dang kit idea in the first place, and there is no reason for it to have degraded into this glorified name calling Sega fight.

Do you realize that since this subject started, the creative efforts of this site have RAPIDLY dwindled down to nill? Do you realize that this isn't solving anything, and that it just keeps getting worse?

It's a bunch of bullflax that just keeps getting blown further and further out of proportion, and I, for one, am tired of watching this flax.

A few people need to just take a breather for a bit, and stop thinking about this all together.

Most, if not all, that has been said was said in the heat of the moment, in a fit of passionate anger and hurt. We all know none of you really mean that flax, and if you think you do, you need to calm the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* down for a little bit longer.

Everyone, just take a deep breath, say "No harm, no foul", and call it a Dang day. Before flax actually starts getting *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed up from this. Please.

All of us put a lot of time into this forum, even if we don't always post or show off the next great project. It's the fact that we approach flax differently that makes the place unique, and keeps it alive. Don't let it also be what kills the place.

The site works well as is. We don't need to make and "adjustments", we just need to let flax get back to normal.

That said, this thread has veered far too off topic for even spamalot.
[Locked, Jolly African Americans]
You seem to only have a very surface-level understanding of the issue at hand.

There's a lot more to it than you know. Tensions that have been building for a while.
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