N64p kit discussion (Split)

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Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

@SS, Beta, and anyone else that is being negative

mesojdm does not deserve the current level of hate being posted. I've looked over his posts and he does not seem arrogant at all. He wants to try an idea. I say, LET HIM.

Isn't that what modretro is supposed to be about?? Trying out an idea, exploring it, following through, and hoping for good results?

If all we are going to do is bash new projects and complain about stupid little things like a freaking Dpad then why even have a website?

I'm really quite disappointed in some of you at the moment. Reread your own posts and you'll see why. Nows a good time to make amends...

@mesojdm, please stick around. Modretro really is a great site. I urge you to look past this bullflax and keep on modding :wink:
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

I agree with Tchay.

I'm almost embarrassed by the way some of you are treating this guy.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Look, nobody deserves hate, but actions create reactions. I don't just login to ModRetro so I can be a dick to everyone, that's not why I've put so much of my life into it.

Tchay said:
Reread your own posts and you'll see why. Now's a good time to make amends...

I put thought, time and effort into each of my posts(that's why the look nice, spaced, and readable instead of 20 fused sentences,) and I intend to stand by them. Most of what I post is legitimate criticism, with a harder edge spruced in for good measure. That's how I got to the top, that's how I became successful, and I've used it to teach and raise many of the best portablizers out there.
If you can't handle that, then you aren't cut out, plain and simple.

Let me explain why I posted what I posted.

If there's anything I've leaned in this community with my YEARS OF EXPERIENCE it's that you have to make things better. You have to improve. Not every single time, not in every single way, but better.
How many of you would honestly be happy if I went back to making large, ugly, car-battery hot-glue monsters?

No, no, *Can'tSayThisOnTV* no. You expect greatness.
I got Segaed at 200x times over and had much worse things said to me about my portables other than "Oh, your design is bad." "You have a big screen." "Your portable is way too big and unwieldy."
Everyone can do better, and the best portablizers have done everything they can to help further to community.

Let's be honest.
If the guy came here and said, "Hey! I'm going to make a portable, here's what I'm doing so far: Thoughts?"
Everyone would've been nice, given what they could, etc. That fiberglassing thing is cool, I thought that was neat, even though the results aren't as polished as they could be.
He finishes this exact same portable, maybe one change, then posts it.
"Cool, I like it. That automotive paint must be really nice. Shame you didn't cut the board though, it could've been smaller!"

That's it. None of this would've existed. Everyone's happy.

Now, obviously, that did not happen.
The guy came here and said, "Hey, what do you think of making a portable N64 kit?"
Everyone was truthful, said what has been said before. "It doesn't work, many have tried, it's not cheap either; the market is terrible"
"No, you are wrong! I am the miracle man and I can do what the best modders can't, and everyone will buy it!"
He finished the exact same portable, no changes that we recommended. Why even bother?

I put out the effort to share my vast experience will all different field of this hobby and to try to help people better their lives and creations with it, and when you come here and spit in my face, you Dang better believe I'm not gonna praise your big orange pancake just because everyone else thinks it's the "right" thing to do.

He wants to try an idea. I say, LET HIM.
Okay. Let him. He's obviously rich, he has nothing to lose.

We tried being nice and saying "Please, don't waste your time, we have tried this before MANY TIMES MANY WAYS and it hasn't worked."
He said we were wrong. He acted like he knew better than us, because he went to a few sites and asked if people would buy something, to which, of course, the poor, ignorant majority said "Yes! Of course I would! Where can I get one?"
That doesn't mean jack flax. They don't pay up. I and several others would be rich if they did.
And we know, because we've believed it before ourselves.

If you thought it was a good idea to stick a fork in an outlet, but your electrician said "No, that is a bad idea! You will surely die!"
Would you do it?

The experienced portablizers are the electricians here, this guy has a fork and nothing to lose.

Tchay said:
I'm really quite disappointed in some of you at the moment.
@Tchay and everyone who feels the same way towards me as him: If you want to be disappointed in me, so be it. You certainly aren't the first and certainly not the last. I've outlived pure reputation destruction before, I can outlive this too.

Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Welp, I have 2 options. I can try to get SS to realize how far his head is up his own ass (and humility is a rare trait on this site)


I can ignore everything he just said and move on. Yep, I like that choice better.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

AfroLH said:
I agree with Tchay.

I'm almost embarrassed by the way some of you are treating this guy.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Jesus Christ, people, let the man make his own mistakes if he wants to. All the critics have gone way past being helpful, now you're all just being dicks. He isn't asking for an investment from you, he is just stating his god damned idea, and asking for help along the way. Now he isn't even doing that anymore, he is showing off a sexy as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* piece of handbuilt equipment, and you all are still raging about how it won't sell in quantity.

He has already shown is once he can pull off more than any of us expected. Shut your mouths and give him another go. If he finds a market for his idea, good for him, he succeded where others have failed, he did the "impossible". If not, well, use your I told you dos then, not now.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

My intent when I first saw this thread was to leave it the Heck alone, I already gave up on the subject in the last one.

I only posted because I know there are plenty of others that share my opinions, and I intend to defend those people. I personally don't give a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.

But you can't call me something I'm not.

Now then, excuse me and my continual efforts to help.

Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

I think that we should shut the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up. I would vote for having this thread locked, but that wouldn't be fair to mesojdm. So, just quit being negative. You don't like it, don't *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing post.

mesojdm said:
Maybe I am completely off with the entire concept altogether, maybe this will crash and burn upon launch, only time will tell and I do not care in the slightest if it does. I have failed many times and it has been a much greater learning experience than when I succeeded.
Thomas Edison said:
"I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work."
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Firstly I'd like to point out that what I'm about to write isn't hate, it's purely just suggestions.

D-pad, it's a must. By not including it you've already limited your market for sales.

Where's the Z button? Maybe put it in behind the right or left handle?

and finally one last suggestion. I really wouldn't use fibreglass moulds not unless your going to gel coat them for maximum strengh.

Other than that, it's not a bad portable. A little too big for my liking but its your first one so I'll let you off :wink:
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

He said he plans to have an injection mold made, thankfully he isn't trying to build all of the cases by hand out of frankencased fiberglass.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

ShockSlayer said:
If there's anything I've leaned in this community with my YEARS OF EXPERIENCE it's that you have to make things better. You have to improve. Not every single time, not in every single way, but better.
How many of you would honestly be happy if I went back to making large, ugly, car-battery hot-glue monsters?

No, no, *Can'tSayThisOnTV* no. You expect greatness.
Last time I checked, we don't condemn new people for doing less-than-brilliant work. We help them improve. We congratulate their efforts and offer constructive criticism that isn't condescending.
You, on the other hand, went straight for the jugular with this guy. Despite the fact that he put a lot of effort into this, didn't do a bad job, and made it look nice, you still act like a dick. You condemn him for not attempting to cut a board (something that MANY people would not be comfortable doing). It's his FIRST PORTABLE. Yet you compare it to "the worlds smallest". Why? What reasoning do you have to do that?
I've NEVER seen you do anything like that before.
And you know what, if you did go back to your old portables, I would be disappointed because YOU'RE EXPERIENCED. HE IS NOT. HE IS NEW. HE is justified in not making the greatest portable in the world. YOU are not.

ShockSlayer said:
I got Segaed at 200x times over and had much worse things said to me about my portables other than "Oh, your design is bad." "You have a big screen." "Your portable is way too big and unwieldy."
I don't remember you guys being that nice. Let's investigate.

βeta said:
This is stupid and huge. The start button is inconvenient. There are holes on the back where screws used to go, but now they are just half filled with crap. That screen is most of the size of my laptop. It's all in all, way bigger that it needs to be, and poorly designed. I hate it.
There's a difference between saying "Oh, your screen is big," and saying "I hate it."
"BUT THAT'S BETA, NOT ME," you say. Well, let's look at you, shall we.

ShockSlayer said:
Please stop acting like cutting a board is such a big deal, or I will be forced to go across the street, and film a video of my 9 year old neighbor girl cutting an n64 motherboard, and then I will post measurements of the bigger solder points.
I'm thinking you don't play any good games, you just play the same one over and over.
It's not that we don't want to see a completed portable(congratulations by the way), it's that we don't want to see someone parading around like an idiot.
Ad hominems everywhere.

ShockSlayer said:
Everyone can do better
Ad Populum Snob Approach: This type of argumentum ad populum doesn’t assert “everybody is doing it,” but rather that “all the best people are doing it.” For instance, “Any true intellectual would recognize the necessity for studying logical fallacies.” The implication is that anyone who fails to recognize the truth of the author’s assertion is not an intellectual, and thus the reader had best recognize that necessity.

ShockSlayer said:
Now, obviously, that did not happen.
The guy came here and said, "Hey, what do you think of making a portable N64 kit?"
Everyone was truthful, said what has been said before. "It doesn't work, many have tried, it's not cheap either; the market is terrible"
"No, you are wrong! I am the miracle man and I can do what the best modders can't, and everyone will buy it!"
1. You guys were not as pleasant as you are making yourselves seem. You guys were condescending back then too.
2. He NEVER said "You are wrong." He simply said that he still wishes to try even with the possibility of failing.

ShockSlayer said:
I put out the effort to share my vast experience will all different field of this hobby and to try to help people better their lives and creations with it, and when you come here and spit in my face, you Dang better believe I'm not gonna praise your big orange pancake just because everyone else thinks it's the "right" thing to do.
I'd like some proof that he "spit in your face". He didn't listen to your SUPREME AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS PORTABLE? Boo *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing hoo. Newsflash for you, not everyone will listen to you 100%. That doesn't mean that are "spitting in your face". He simply wanted to try his own thing. No fault in that.
Unless you are ShockSlayer. THEN EVERYONE HAS TO LISTEN TO YOU AND DO WHAT YOU DO. Right? :roll:

ShockSlayer said:
We tried being nice...
Lol, no.

ShockSlayer said:
He said we were wrong. He acted like he knew better than us
No, he didn't.

ShockSlayer said:
If you thought it was a good idea to stick a fork in an outlet, but your electrician said "No, that is a bad idea! You will surely die!"
Would you do it? The experienced portablizers are the electricians here, this guy has a fork and nothing to lose.
Nice straw man, there. If he has nothing to lose and isn't hurting anyone, why act like a dick to him?

ShockSlayer said:
@Tchay and everyone who feels the same way towards me as him: If you want to be disappointed in me, so be it. You certainly aren't the first and certainly not the last. I've outlived pure reputation destruction before, I can outlive this too.
Nice job acting like the victim. OH NO, PEOPLE DISAGREED WITH ME! MY REPUTATION!
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Oh, and now I am fully embarrassed by the actions here. Not only did you unnecessarily attack this guy and act like a dick to him, you also tried to JUSTIFY IT.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

Afro's supposed to be the rude one! Yet somehow, he's been the nicest one here lately! Why is it that our most respectable admins are suddenly assholes?
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

You, on the other hand, went straight for the jugular with this guy.
Not true, read the other thread.

You condemn him for not attempting to cut a board (something that MANY people would not be comfortable doing).
No, I condemn him for making a big deal out of it.

It's his FIRST PORTABLE. Yet you compare it to "the worlds smallest". Why? What reasoning do you have to do that?
I compared it because I said "if the worlds smallest can fit a dpad, why can't this one?"

I don't remember you guys being that nice. Let's investigate
Again, other thread. Niceness quota was filled already.

Ad Populum Snob Approach
You are taking things out of context and applying them based on how they stand alone. They don't.
Everyone can do better, unless you mean to tell me that you think the OP is handicapped and legitimately cant. Explain to me why this design would not be improved upon by moving the start button closer to the A B and C pad.

1. You guys were not as pleasant as you are making yourselves seem. You guys were condescending back then too.
At the same time, tons of projects have been finished that I thought were plain stupid and yet because the people posting them weren't arrogant twats, I said "Looks cool, nice job!" AND TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE(INCLUDING YOU) HAVE TOO.
But when someone is an arrogant twat(I'll cite Qrio for an example. :P ) we don't let them get away with it, no matter how pretty their portable was(and his was, too!)

I'd like some proof that he "spit in your face".
Go read the other thread. He didn't listen to anyone at all for anything.

No, he didn't.

Nice straw man, there. If he has nothing to lose and isn't hurting anyone, why act like a dick to him?
We tried to save him from making a fool of himself.

Nice job acting like the victim.
If you want to see it that way, fine. I'm just saying this isn't anything new, and I've survived worse than "Ooh, I'm sooo embarrased by you! I'm blushing!"

Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

This guy has posted his pitch of a kit to other forums and this is the only one that said that he would fail miserably.

This is also the only one that actually knows how to build an N64p like a pro.

That being said, this is the only one where people have been complete and udder assholes.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

ProgMetalMan said:
udder assholes.

Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

ShockSlayer said:
You, on the other hand, went straight for the jugular with this guy.
Not true, read the other thread.
ShockSlayer in the other thread said:
I call those commissions, not kits. :roll:
FIRST POST. Passive aggressive condescension.
βeta said:
I have no confidence in your ability to do anything. Why should I? What proof do you have that you know anything at all about what you are saying you can do?
Bibin was nice. YOU were being passive aggressive.

ShockSlayer said:
You condemn him for not attempting to cut a board (something that MANY people would not be comfortable doing).
No, I condemn him for making a big deal out of it.
A big deal out of it? He wasn't comfortable with doing it.
And you don't Sega about every other person who doesn't cut a board because they are uncomfortable. Why now?

ShockSlayer said:
It's his FIRST PORTABLE. Yet you compare it to "the worlds smallest". Why? What reasoning do you have to do that?
I compared it because I said "if the worlds smallest can fit a dpad, why can't this one?"
Still an unfair comparison.

ShockSlayer said:
I don't remember you guys being that nice. Let's investigate
Again, other thread. Niceness quota was filled already.
"I was nice once and he still didn't listen to and follow everything I say, therefore I have the right to be a complete ass to him."
Great logic.

ShockSlayer said:
Ad Populum Snob Approach
You are taking things out of context and applying them based on how they stand alone. They don't.
Everyone can do better, unless you mean to tell me that you think the OP is handicapped and legitimately cant. Explain to me why this design would not be improved upon by moving the start button closer to the A B and C pad.
I didn't say that it wouldn't be improved, did I? You were acting like a snob by saying/implying that "Everyone can do better, so you are just an utter failure, completely sub-par, etc." He's NEW. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT HAIL. WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT BENTOMO. WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT TCHAY. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A BRAND NEW PERSON WHO HAS NO EXPERIENCE WITH THIS.

ShockSlayer said:
1. You guys were not as pleasant as you are making yourselves seem. You guys were condescending back then too.
At the same time, tons of projects have been finished that I thought were plain stupid and yet because the people posting them weren't arrogant twats, I said "Looks cool, nice job!" AND TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE(INCLUDING YOU) HAVE TOO.
But when someone is an arrogant twat(I'll cite Qrio for an example. :P ) we don't let them get away with it, no matter how pretty their portable was(and his was, too!)
He wasn't being an arrogant twat. He simply wanted to try out and find out for himself. There IS NOTHING WRONG OR ARROGANT ABOUT THAT. Scientists don't just listen to everything every other scientist says just because they tested it. NO, they TEST IT FOR THEMSELVES. Learning through experience.

ShockSlayer said:
I'd like some proof that he "spit in your face".
Go read the other thread. He didn't listen to anyone at all for anything.

ShockSlayer said:
Nice straw man, there. If he has nothing to lose and isn't hurting anyone, why act like a dick to him?
We tried to save him from making a fool of himself.
Then do that. Tell him in a nice way that you think it will fail. BUT DO NOT BE DICKS ABOUT IT.
Re: Iclassic portable nintendo 64 (including worklog)

AfroLH said:
FIRST POST. Passive aggressive condescension.
It was a joke, lighten up.

AfroLH said:
Still an unfair comparison.
Alright, then I'll pick all the runners up that all had d-pads, and every portable lesser than or equal to in size of this one that has a dpad. It's not a Dang RCP wiring job, it's 5 wires, that have nice big solder pads.

AfroLH said:
You were acting like a snob by saying/implying that "Everyone can do better, so you are just an utter failure, completely sub-par, etc."
You flat out read that wrong, that's not what I said or implied. I said he can improve. I can improve. Everyone can improve. Christ, that's all I was saying.

AfroLH said:
He wasn't being an arrogant twat.
That's your opinion and you are entitled to that, however many people who have made more portables than you disagree.

AfroLH said:
No, he didn't listen to me, or hail, or triton, or anyone intelligent with experience, and took away absolutely nothing from that entire topic:
hailraizer said:
So basically you came here to see what we had to say but then totally ignore everything we have to say.
Hail sums up what happened here nicely.

I really hate to lock this, but I did my best to leave this post with little to no arguable points, and the guy deserves better than this.

You are right, he deserves better than to have his project hijacked and subsequently locked/"Skyone'd" by ModRetro administrators. With that in mind, I took the time to split all the BS into this new thread where this discussion can go on.

SS, you are justified in about half of what you say. The other half? You are being a massive, astronomical dick. This guy is a dreamer with some serious skills, are you honestly ripping into him for making a dead sexy portable just because it is not smaller than you? I have bought two of your portables, man. One of them (The GCp) arrived DOA due to shoddy wiring and ghetto battery soldering and the other one (That N64p) worked for a few hours... Until it overheated and permanently died because you used SUPERGLUE (A thermal insulator) as thermal paste to glue the heatsink directly to the chips.

You have skills, don't get me wrong. But you were making STUPID mistakes even after you had quite a few portables under your belt, and you know what? Not a single of of them has looked nearly as good as this one.

Aside from all that, this is his FIRST portable. People build all kinds of flaxboxes that get way more praise than this, and frankly, it is just plain sad that you would act like this just because you are "THE GODang SHOCKSLAYER". I respect you on a lot of levels bro, but stuff like this is why I can't bring myself to ever hand the reigns over to you, in terms of owning/running ModRetro. You are too arrogant, too abrasive, and perhaps even too unstable to be the person making the final call on everything. It happens over and over again, with only minor changes to the details.

Do I think the kit idea will go very far? No, I honestly don't, and I told him so (You all did a good job of telling him the reasons why). But this uncalled for hostility has to stop, if only to stop driving potentially great members like this guy to other sites. You had reason to call him out when he started the kit thread, but he has since demonstrated that he has as much or more talent than almost any other modder, a category that you may fall squarely within.
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