MR Minecraft Server [ OLD AND LOCKED ]

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Re: MR Minecraft Server

flax people, I've already done all that crap, still not *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing working.

Also, if anyone wants to handle the server on their end, I can get this thing running just about long enough to copy it to rapidshare or something.

Throw me an email if your interested, I can check that with my phone.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

That sucks, ttsgeb, for you and for me. I guess this is going to be less temporary than I thought, then. Running a server is a real pain in the ass, since I'm hosting on my primary PC. I'll keep it running, though, if anyone is interested. I need to figure out teleports still, and create a decent spawn area. I think I have the reliability/connection problems sorted out, but it would be great if some of you guys could try it and make sure the thing works.

If you missed it, my server can be found at:
Re: MR Minecraft Server

Offbeateel said:
I have a working computer from a project a while back. Nothing fancy, but it should be able to handle Minecraft.

Let me know if you're interested in either the hardware, or trying to host it on my end.

Hey look, you finally posted here. :P

As for the hosting, let ttsgeb know if you haven't already, because it'd be awesome if you could host it for us.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

Offbeateel said:
I have a working computer from a project a while back. Nothing fancy, but it should be able to handle Minecraft.

Let me know if you're interested in either the hardware, or trying to host it on my end.

Hiiiii Jarv!
Re: MR Minecraft Server

So I pulled out the computer, threw it together and somehow managed to fit it in a spare .50 cal ammo can I had lying around. ::3:

So then I had an idea... what if I put together a Minecraft themed case? Make the entire case a 2x3x3 set of minecraft blocks of varying types, paint the power cord bright red, add correctly proportioned buttons for power and disc ejection. I could throw two bulbs on sticks on top for power/hd, and make the disc tray a double stone slab, so only the bottom slab slides out.

Good idea?
Re: MR Minecraft Server

Computer keeps dropping off the network and by extension the internet when I play Minecraft from another PC for more than five minutes. I don't know why, this is really frustrating.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

I might have fixed the problem. Did some router tweaking and updated things. Feel free to try the server out again.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

That's because it wasn't up- I accidentally shut my computer down :oops:

It should be up now, though.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

Works now :D

but I'm not an op :l , and apparently I'm not allowed to warp either :c

I assume you're using the same software as tts?
Re: MR Minecraft Server

I don't know what tts is using. I'm running Craftbukkit with Essentials, Permissions and Wormhole X-Treme. I haven't set up any teleports yet, or a proper spawn area for that matter.

Also, I'm now using my laptop for hosting. It hasn't screwed up yet, so it might have to stay on there.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

from what I understand, tts used bukkit with a couple of other plugins which didn't really work.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

the only one that didn't work right was big brother...
I used
  • myhome
I'm currently trying to find a way to get flax working right again... my parts computer didn't come through for me, so I HAVE to figure something else right.
Re: MR Minecraft Server

As of today, I will be taking over the job of hosting the server. Should be relatively lag free, and up most of the time. My comp specs: Core i7 950 @ 3.3GHz, 12 Gigs of G Skill ripjaws @ 1600MHz, dual Sapphire HD Radeon 6970's, and 2TBs of storage space. Should be good to go as soon as I get the map from tts, and all the plugins installed!
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