Wiimote Emulator


Hey all, been a while.

I've been working a Wiimote replacement for use in a Wii portable, ideally some kind of internal controller that could universally control things like IR pointing, WMP, classic controller, gamecube, etc. So I thought I'd share my progress on this thing since there could be other people on here that might find it useful as well, I'm not sure if anyone else has already done something like this or not.

The source is here

It can run on a Linux box/board with a Bluetooth adapter (PC, Raspberry Pi, RPi Zero, Intel Edison, ...) and in theory could be ported to some microcontrollers too. Right now it can connect to a Wii and emulate just about every feature/extension of the Wiimote, though at the moment the only thing it can be controlled with is a keyboard. Changing that isn't difficult though, it could be controlled with any input, switches, control schemes, macros, etc.

The install instructions are pretty murky at the moment, and it isn't *super* easy to set up, though it isn't as hard as it might seem. If anybody is interested in getting it running, feel free to post if you need more details. One caveat at the moment is that a real Wiimote is needed to sync first because I still haven't figured out how to get the Wii to trust the emulator. Once that Wiimote is synced, you can't use it with the emulator at the same time (at least not on the same Wii).

Other than that it works pretty well. I haven't built it into a portable yet, but I have played MKWii and LoZ:SS on an actual Wii with a keyboard, which is interesting. As for sorting out any bugs, making it easier to set up, and adding features, I will continue to work on it and I encourage anyone in the community that's interested to feel free to make changes as well.

Hope someone finds it useful/interesting :)
Wow this sound awesome, gotta test this out! Sound like the current devices are a little big to incorporate in a portable though.
My current plan is to use a Raspberry Pi Zero (for compatibility, ease of connection, etc), which isn't all that big really (and also it costs 5 USD, at least when it's in stock):


And although I haven't attempted yet, it should also work on the Intel Edison:


I don't know exactly how small they make 'em these days, but I'd be surprised if there's not enough room to squeeze one of those in :wink:
Yep, those are small :D I was thinking of the original pi.

Plus they can be used to make the portable a media player, tablet and whatever people use raspies for today.
Curious, can you emulate the IR sensor so as to use a touch screen in its place? I've always wanted something like that for a Wii portable.
Interesting idea, hadn't even thought of that. Right now it just moves the IR pointer around the screen with directional controls. The IR camera in the controller (or emulator) just sends the Wii a set of coordinates, so it wouldn't be that hard at all to add a touch screen.