ModRetro Mumble Server


ModRetro Legend
Server Address:
Port: 51999

Finally, ModRetro has a server where we can all voice chat and game together. Just join the server above and choose your channel to get started (ie: Minecraft, TF2, Portal 2, etc.). If no one is on when you log in, don't be afraid to wait in the General channel and minimize Mumble to the system tray; it will let you know when someone joins you. If you don't have Mumble or want to know more about it, read below.

What is Mumble?
Mumble is a VoIP program created mainly for gamers, similar to TeamSpeak and Ventrillo, except it is free, open-source, and under active development. It supports a multitude of features such as positional audio, an in-game overlay, and superb voice detection. You can download the latest stable release here, and once installed, just follow the audio set-up wizard and certificate wizard (certificates allow servers to identify you easier on Mumble and reserve your name), then head to Server>Connect> Add New to add/join the ModRetro server.

Enjoy. Hope to see everyone on, and feel free to join even if you just want to chat and not play anything.
This is by far the best voice chat program out there; blows Steam's voice chat, Ventrillo, and Skype out of the water. I highly recommend it.
You can run it concurrently with Steam and as long as none of your games use the same key you have Mumble's push-to-talk button bound to it will work. (I used the USB controller out of a cheap gamepad and an Easy Button to make a floor button. It's much more convenient than a bound keyboard key, especially in FPSes.)
Yup, Mumble also has an automatic mode that detects when you are talking. Worked pretty well when JD was testing it. He was playing music from his PC, and even then, Mumble was easily able to tell when he was actually talking. Not recommended for people with Segay parents/roommates/girlfriends who barge in randomly though, unless you want everyone to hear that. :p
The day that a bunch of people actually use this, my internet craps out for days until a technician came over today with a new cable modem. *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Comcast. :/