Frequent Poster
I'm going to tell you guys about a local clan I've got going, we've got about 14 people in our clan, and it's a local exclusive clan so I can't go inviting you guys to it. However we do have a server that I run, and try to run as often as possible. (we try for 24/7)
the ip is
It's called FYG clan server
We'ed like it if there was some more activity on our server so if you'd like to join go right ahead, and haev the [MR] tag in your name so I know you're from modretro.
the ip is
It's called FYG clan server
We'ed like it if there was some more activity on our server so if you'd like to join go right ahead, and haev the [MR] tag in your name so I know you're from modretro.