MichaelThurston's RCube, Portable Gamecube worklog

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Sorry about the slow progress lately, Really busy with school as we have State testing in two weeks, Family trip to plan for next weekend, and Work with my Uncle on Sunday, its very hectic.

Front of the case is done, Now I'l trying to come up with shoulder button Ideas, Anyone want to suggest something?


Or Zenloc style (if there is a difference?) For this portable, I wouldn't do it Hailrazer style. Just stick with the normal Gamecube triggers.
Its kind of uncomfortable with the shoulder buttons on top IMO.
Try to put them on the back.
This is looking great by the way :awesome:
GameCube shoulder buttons suck and are hard to do. They are comfortable on the top, if your portable isn't heavy. Mine was sorta heavy, but by my own additions after it was done. The lighter the better. You see, thumbs in the front, index fingers on the triggers, and three fingers on the back. Those three fingers are gonna be the ones supporting the weight, so if it's heavy those fingeys are gonna get sore/it's gonna be annoying to hold.

If your portable is heavy, do it hailrazer style.

Michaelthurston said:
Sorry about the slow progress lately, Really busy with school as we have State testing in two weeks, Family trip to plan for next weekend, and Work with my Uncle on Sunday, its very hectic.
A good amount of updates will be happening later today, as I finish them..Just please be Patient, I have the flu at the moment, and just because I'm home doesn't mean I'm working...xD

My head hurts like a Sega.. :wink:

I feel for you Michael, I just got over a flu myself. I was sick for about nine days. Ugh! It was during vacation too!
I had completely forgotten that I needed to wire the D-pad, So I got that wired up and tested, works fine, Started shoving the Controller inside. as for the shoulder buttons, I'm just going to do what works, They will be on top of course, but I don't know where Z will be ATM, as I cemented that control section in without z :facepalm:

But yes, Pics.

The inside so far

The Outside with Buttons! :awesomethursty: (Please note that the Analog Stick is NOT glued in)

The Z-button is a tricky lil Playstation, I suggest you just use a tact switch, the clicky kind are better than the mushy kind in this case.

You could probably find a vacant nearby spot within right index finder range and just drill/dremel a small square and put it in, or if you have the tall kind, then jsut a small hole and it would be awesome.

I love how your workspace doesn't look really cluttered, but you have an n64 heat block on your table while working on a GCp
zeturi said:
I love how your workspace doesn't look really cluttered, but you have an n64 heat block on your table while working on a GCp
That n64 is my other commission on BH, the "2064"

I didn't name it. The guy named it that because "The batterys lst so loong it wud be liek awsum to name it tht"

(It has around 9 hours of good play time)
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