Bugman's gamecube portable WIP

So it's done! I fixed the 1.9v regulator that wasnt working. I might put a gameboy cartridge on the back later but im done working on this for a while. It works and im happy with it. Also, No batteries. It runs off of the original gamecube power adapter. Also, I'll eventually put the analog caps on.

Just look at how neat and organized it is on the inside! jk. This is embarrassing.

Atleast it looks nice on the outside.

During a Manlove session at Downing's basement tomorrow, you were conceived. Shortly after your birth, Microsoft released the Xbox 723690 bundled with Call of Duty Modern Warfare Black Ops World War Z, which had touch sensor controllers and charged $40 a month for internet services. Your six fathers realized that a child with such perfect DNA should not grow up with the next generation. Ashen used his godly powers to create a time machine, SS added more pig. You were sent back in time and put in a family that would help trigger the bit of modding god inside of you. The rest is history.
Majora said:
During a Manlove session at Downing's basement tomorrow, you were conceived. Shortly after your birth, Microsoft released the Xbox 723690 bundled with Call of Duty Modern Warfare Black Ops World War Z, which had touch sensor controllers and charged $40 a month for internet services. Your six fathers realized that a child with such perfect DNA should not grow up with the next generation. Ashen used his godly powers to create a time machine, SS added more pig. You were sent back in time and put in a family that would help trigger the bit of modding god inside of you. The rest is history.

So what if I wear protection tomorrow? I can erase bugman and create this myself, yeah that sounds like a goo*PARADOX*


this is excellent
hoooooooooly flax... hoooooooooooly flax... uhhh umm uh um... hooooooooooly flax. OMFG hooooooooly flax.

^This was literally all I could say once I realized what just happened.

Hoooooooly flax.
Chill out guys! All i did was post 2 crappy pics and some crappy insides. Just wait until you see the video