Anyone want to start a review site?

Yoshilime M.R.

Master of Limes
Remember back On BH, some guy named snarkyjohnes tried to get us to help him with a site? since that failed, Does anyone want to make a join one? Here?

So far:
Yoshilime: Reviewer
XCVG: Reviewer
DJ711: Reviewer
J.D: Reviewer

Neildo_64 :Admin
: minion
; minion
As in, recruit people here to run it, or have the hosting on the modretro domain, as in "", or something? ;)
It would be cool to have a review site here too. We could review mainly classic consoles, games, and accessories, but there's probably other things to review too. Like dremels and screens.

I'm in for that idea.
Way I'd like it:
Any forums member can submit a review for anything within certain guidelines. (No, you cannot review that new K&N Intake you got for your Jeep, thank you.)
If it meets the guidelines/rules, and is approved, it's posted on the reviews site, full credit, etc.
I think it'd be awesome if the Ad Share did carry over, but I don't think it'd be a deal breaker if it weren't.
I could review some stuff.

Anyway, we should allow video games of course, and also modding-related stuff.
I'd be intrested in doing it. I could do video reviews but I can write as well.
If there was a review site connected with MR, I think it should have different admins than the forums. I would be willing to post a few in depth reviews for some things if this goes anywhere.
Wow, people hated me on BH, but people are nice to me here! :mrgreen:

I agree and disagree with different admins for both. i agree because we can't have the same people, might become like a dictatorship, (no offense), but the mods and admins are good, so i disagree.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Wow, people hated me on BH, but people are nice to me here! :mrgreen:

I agree and disagree with different admins for both. i agree because we can't have the same people, might become like a dictatorship, (no offense), but the mods and admins are good, so i disagree.
It's kinda like Mario being the wiki admin, he has powers on there, but no powers on the forums, and can be overpowered by the forums admins if needed. I vote a different person to be on the reviews (good god, not me!) so that the admins/mods don't have so much work to do.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Ok. Who Shall be Review Admin, Review mods, And writers? I shall edit post one to represent who is interested. :awesome:
Well anybody can add a review, I'd assume. At least if you're registered on the forums, that is. And, you'd only need 2-3 people of equal rank to monitor the reviews, you wouldn't need an admin. I say: palmertech (it's his site) themadhacker, and yoshilime. That's just who I would put in charge. ;) It's really up to the head honcho himself, and his minions :lol:

ninja'd :wtf:
How about for writers, we each choose a game or be assigned one and write a mock review. Whoever writes the best one would be choosen for writers.