LAN Parties

Hey guys I'm new to ModRetro, but I am sure that some of you guys have either been to or hosted a LAN party at one point or another. I was just wondering if you guys have any weird stories from them or great times you want to post.

Ex: I know this guy he told me of this time when him and his buddies duct tapped a guy in a sleeping bag, rolled him around for a bit and then took outside and tapped him to a telephone poll. ( I know for a fact that this is true).

This is the most crazy scenario I have heard of so far. I would like hear a more insane story if you guys have one.

Here is one of my own stories: Most of the time we will have a LAN party one weakling will go to sleep and forget to log out his computer. Well, one of us will end messing with his computer. Most of the guys will put a shock site on his browser and turn the monitor off or unplug his keyboard and mouse. My personal favorite is changing their default browser to Internet Explorer. :awesome:
I set up a guys internet once so that every page would redirect to a shock site, but that wasn't at a lan party. :D
At my thanksgiving lan party we all 14 of us watched in 2 in the morning during a storm 1 person playing amnesia. We all screamed like little girls.