Electus 64

SlipStreamGT said:
Please fix that comment, seriously rapist? wtf lol FYI everyone was sleeping so I had to be quiet.. how do you know what a rapist sounds like anyhow? Please man that comment is cold and offensive no rapism here..

It was meant to be a joke :p but I apologize for offending you and will remove the comment.
SlipStreamGT said:
Sleeker? yup.. revision 2 coming soon.... :)
Here is a spiff up I drew in PAINT (modified pictures of a Game Gear & Electus 64) These are my 2 upcoming 64 portables..

I will up real pics soon as I get around to fixing my sd card the pix are stored on!

1. Electus 64 (revision 2) 50% complete
2. Slipstream 64 (revision 2) 20% complete

I have not decided what I'll call em.. not sure on there names yet.. but yeah they will pretty much look
what you see in the picture I drew up.. with some minor modifications etc.. cheers!
