What Classes are you taking next year?


Frequent Poster
I know some of us hre are still in High school or In College, so I wanna know what classes you guys are taking!

I'm taking:
Biology Honors
Web Design
Free Enterprise/Civics
Spanish II
Computer Service Tech.
English II Gifted
Algebra II Gifted

Oh, and I'm a Sophomore.
too many.
Honors Algebra II
Honors Advanced Literature
Honors Biology
Honors World History
Advanced 3D CAD
Varsity Marching Band (hells yeah!) :p
Electronic Drawing I (Diagraming/ symbols, etc.)
Electronic Engineering I

I'm a freshman, BTW. With my current 4-year plan, I'll be taking 2 AP classes Junior year, and 4 Senior year. :awesome:
Gotta love Computer Aided Design, as soon as you get the hang, it's so easy, and it makes for nicely paid jobs.
I plan on being a computer hardware engineer after college. I wanna go to MIT, but I need to win the lottery first, lol.
You guys get options? All that we got for options was switching between band/choir and study hall :neutral:
Well, they probably can't afford to pay people to teach all these things at a school that maxed-out at 12 students. :lol2:

I kid, I kid. But seriously, NO OPTIONS?!? :wtf2:
Well with A little under 2000 kids at our school, we need options.

But Yeah, we get choice on Electives.
ASB 102 Intro Cultural & Social Anthro
ASU 101-CTI The ASU Experience
CHM 113 General Chemistry I
CHM 113 General Chemistry I (Lab)
ENG 102 First-Year Composition
EST 194 Topic: Introduction to Electronic Systems

and a math class that I havent picked yet.
The usual math, english, and junk.

wanted Woodwork but got Journalism
AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
Basement_Modder said:
2000? HA! We have 6500 and counting! :awesome:
130,000 without breaking a sweat! oh. wait. 1,300. :whistle: :lol2:

Where in Colorado do you live?
arvada. i go to awest highschool.

Hmm... I don't know where that is.
Well I am going to Vail Next Week. Specifically Beaver Creek.
well. its west of denver, right by I-70. whatcha doin in vail? it are summer. :D
samjc3 said:
AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
Basement_Modder said:
2000? HA! We have 6500 and counting! :awesome:
130,000 without breaking a sweat! oh. wait. 1,300. :whistle: :lol2:

Where in Colorado do you live?
arvada. i go to awest highschool.

Hmm... I don't know where that is.
Well I am going to Vail Next Week. Specifically Beaver Creek.
well. its west of denver, right by I-70. whatcha doin in vail? it are summer. :D

I'm going see Tool at the Mile High Festival.