XCVG, it's already claimed, ho. And not for me.

Jewjo, when you get a chance, inventory working/notworking/blemishes. I can buy a few right now, more later, and if you're interested I can trade for some as well.
Sorry for the late reply.

Fractions indicate how many battery covers there are per color
Red: 8/9
Gold 1/1
Yellow 4/5
Green 4/5 One has a small, hardly noticeable blotch on the top screen, but still works normally.
Teal/Cyanish 2.5/3 One of the backs is off colorwise; one has a blotchy screen; one has contrast issues to where it's too light; and they all are pretty faded. All of the problems can be consolidated into one unit.
Dark blue/purple 4/7
Black 4/6 One has a very blotchy screen as seen in the picture
Silver 3/7
Clear 2/5 One is missing a screen cover
Neon Clear Green 0/2

Also, I forget which one had this problem, but one gameboy has a row or two of dead pixels, but it doesn't really matter because any problems that aren't shell related can be moved to another unit if need be.

I've never sold things online before, but I'm thinking I'll do a first come first serve type thing. I don't think I need a limit on gameboys per buyer, but I'll just ask that you don't buy up all of one color (but I won't stop you from doing so if you really wanted to).

PS: Unless someone is mega-intense-desparate, I plan on keeping the gold, a dark blue/purple, 2 yellows, a teal/cyan, a black, a silver, a clear, and a clear neon green.
I want the clear neon green, a yellow, and a dark blue/purple. I also would like if you held a red, green, and a blue for me :D
There aren't any neon green ones left, are there? I might not be able to go through, but I want a clear one with battery cover and screen cover.

EDIT: Forget that, I don't have any money.
Sorry XCVG, but I claimed a neon green via PM before you did in your post. You can ask Jewjo if you want.