From left to right: Hoppiler, Rollip, Suckeeto, Tuttby, and Coyoco.
Sorry for the lack of updates, recently. I'm on a different computer and my situation lately has been...hectic. No fast internet connection (at least until now!

), Windows XP on this current computer being annoying, my main computer with Windows 7 is fried (but not broken, it's fixable, it's just a dead PSU unit that needs to be replaced), and a little bit depressed over losing a friend last week, to sum up some of the business lately.
Anyhow, I'm deciding on what Pokemon should go into the last 30 slots and so far, I have:
#123: Scyther (Bug/Flying)*1
#212: Scizor (Bug/Steel)*1
#285: Shroomish (Grass)
#286: Breloom (Grass/Fighting)
#618: Stunfisk (Electric/Ground)
#222: Corsola (Water/Rock)
#328: Trapinch (Ground)*2
#329: Vibrava (Ground/Dragon)*2
#330: Flygon (Ground/Dragon)*2
#333: Swablu (Normal/Flying)
#334: Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
#041: Zubat (Poison/Flying)
#042: Golbat (Poison/Flying)
#169: Crobat (Poison/Flying)
#167: Spinarak (Bug/Poison)
#168: Ariados (Bug/Poison)
#355: Duskull (Ghost)
#356: Dusclops (Ghost)
#477: Dusknoir (Ghost)
#562: Yamask (Ghost)
#563: Cofagrigus (Ghost)
#218: Slugma (Fire)
#219: Magcargo (Fire/Rock)
#228: Houndour (Dark/Fire)
#229: Houndoom (Dark/Fire)
#324: Torkoal (Fire)
#170: Chinchou (Water/Electric)
#171: Lanturn (Water/Electric)
#179: Mareep (Electric)
#180: Flaaffy (Electric)
#181: Ampharos (Electric)
*1: Scyther/Scizor or Yanma/Yanmega?
*2: Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon or Axew/Fraxure/Haxorus?
*3: I'm tempted to replace Chinchou/Lantern with Pikachu/Raichu, just know, Pikachu.

*4: I'm trying to stay budgeted here with my selection. I'm going for 2 Bug type Pokemon, 2 Fighting type Pokemon, 1 Ground type Pokemon, 1 Rock type Pokemon, 5 Dragon type Pokemon, 5 Poison type Pokemon, 5 Ghost type Pokemon, 5 Fire type Pokemon, and 5 Electric type Pokemon, all based on the type distribution for the regional dex (so far), and what types are most common/rarest. It's below, if you're curious. It counts both single type and dual type Pokemon. I might add more Poison type Pokemon though, since the current number is Ouch.
Flying: 19
Grass: 18
Water: 17
Normal: 16
Psychic: 16
Ice: 14
Dark: 13
Steel: 10
Bug: 10
Fighting: 11
Ground: 11
Rock: 11
Ghost: 7
Fire: 5
Electric: 5
Poison: 0