
Lightbulbs are awesome!
http://cgi.ebay.com/HUGE-LOT-50-ORIGINA ... 43a24f69a0

It's got six days, and will most likely go up a good chunk of change. But I say we go in for this tag-team style, and divide it up. It doesn't have to be even splits, you pay proportional to how many gameboys you want, etc.

But check it out! All colors, awesome ones I've never seen before too.

Anyone else in? (ISH :stare:)
I really want some of those; dibs on that clear neon green a normal clear/possible Famitsu(?) and a yellow. I'm not familiar with splitting ebay bids though. How do we calculate how much money each person puts in and how many/which gameboys each person gets? For example, I'd be interested in paying probably up to ~$15 per gameboy assuming I get cool colors, but only ~$7 per gameboy for more normal colors. This is something that I would be interested in, but I'd need some info here before I spend my money.
Yeah Jewjo. I think this would only be a good idea if we had several members, otherwise the price per gameboy may not be worth and we may have to pay for more gameboys than we want. I feel that Ish will probably be quite interested in this, though.
I say if Ish gets in on this, we all work together to win it, have it ship to him, then pay our portion to whoever got the winning bid and had to pay for it, then we can send Ish cash to ship them out, and if anyone wants modding done their already with Ish.
I plan on getting the DMGs so I'll probably be able to sell some to you guys if I win. I'm still interested in the MGBs though.
EDIT: Nevermind, I lost. :(
Woah that would be genious! Palmer should totally get a hold of these since we've been getting so much ad revenue, and then we can sell them in the store!
Ampersand said:
Woah that would be genious! Palmer should totally get a hold of these since we've been getting so much ad revenue, and then we can sell them in the store!
Personally, I'd rather buy them straight off of ebay; it'd be cheaper that way.
Ampersand said:
Woah that would be genious! Palmer should totally get a hold of these since we've been getting so much ad revenue, and then we can sell them in the store!

Amper, whats the point? you would still have to pay for them, just through a middle man. I dont even know why our forums have a store (tomorrow), we arnt that big.
ShockSlayer said:
Ampersand said:
...since we've been getting so much ad revenue...


Yoshilime M.R. said:
Ampersand said:
Woah that would be genious! Palmer should totally get a hold of these since we've been getting so much ad revenue, and then we can sell them in the store!
Amper, whats the point? you would still have to pay for them, just through a middle man. I dont even know why our forums have a store (tomorrow), we arnt that big.
Um, we have a store?
Because I totally haven't been spending my time doing better things while I wait until it's worth bothering with it, nope, that's why it's finished and open and everyone's buying stuff, totally, yup.
So we are at the two days remaining point and I'm not seeing a whole lot of planning/volunteering/whatever. To prevent possible misfortune, if we don't figure out a plan of attack by the last day, I'll just swoop in and win the auction and redistribute the MGBs later. If the price gets too high, however, I won't buy them; so, how much would you guys be willing to spend per MGB (excluding shipping)? Also, how many would you be willing to buy? After all, I don't want to end up paying like $500 for all of these when no one would buy them. :P