ComiCon 2010 ModRetro meet up!

RS accounts go for next to nothing these days.

I know because on a few forums I read, there are tons of people with botnets and keyloggers who sell other people's account. The going rate is between $1-10, depending on the account.
Back when I used to play, even a 99 miner and 99 smither, only went for 30 max. RS accounts don't sell for anything near 1k, sorry man. I suggest you hightail into doing small jobs, and getting permission from your parents.
I don't really want to go to comicon anymore, for some reason, I just don't anymore. Anyway I'm feeling like flax because of the other things that are happening to me, :( . I might go next year.
Aususa said:
Back when I used to play, even a 99 miner and 99 smither, only went for 30 max. RS accounts don't sell for anything near 1k, sorry man. I suggest you hightail into doing small jobs, and getting permission from your parents.
My sisters are so selfish that they just want money for themselves, so they take up those jobs.
It looks to me like you decided not to go because it wouldn't be as easy as you thought to make the money, lol.

And saying playing WoW will look worse than playing RS is retarded.
snowpenguin said:
It looks to me like you decided not to go because it wouldn't be as easy as you thought to make the money, lol.

And saying playing WoW will look worse than playing RS is retarded.
Actually I don't play either anymore.
snowpenguin said:
It looks to me like you decided not to go because it wouldn't be as easy as you thought to make the money, lol.

And saying playing WoW will look worse than playing RS is retarded.

Actually it's not. WoW is way worse then RS, in many ways. 90% of people who play WoW have no life what so ever.
loip90876 said:
snowpenguin said:
It looks to me like you decided not to go because it wouldn't be as easy as you thought to make the money, lol.

And saying playing WoW will look worse than playing RS is retarded.
Actually I don't play either anymore.
This post has the pLover Official Seal of Fail.

I'm off to make the seal.
<implying that people who play RS have lives

Seriously though, MMO wars are retarded. Both RS and WoW are equally retarded. I may be getting Global Agenda soon though.
J.D said:
<implying that people who play RS have lives

Seriously though, MMO wars are retarded. Both RS and WoW are equally retarded. I may be getting Global Agenda soon though.

Star craft FTW

Everyone who is going makes videos of the trip, then we combine them all brawl style, each person having a unique entrance, main characters being Palmer and I.

It'd be awesome. I can't think of a plot, yet.

umm we all walk in through like a door or something, slow motion enterance and a cool fading away type thing when it goes to the next person? then clips of the trip? just a thought. and maybe a nice ending credits lol
Plot? Anyway, I'd be up for that SS. I believe we should have a kind of a commentary of the previous day at CC in the hotel room. I think that'd be funny to watch.
DJ711 said:
Plot? Anyway, I'd be up for that SS. I believe we should have a kind of a commentary of the previous day at CC in the hotel room. I think that'd be funny to watch.

Yeah, that'd be awesome.

All videos should be hosted on mah youtube because I have the most viewers. :P
