1: I just ordered 30 gauge kynar wire. IDE is HUGE

2: Flux does help a lot. I used it with this board and it helped a lot when soldering. Also, thanks for the tim on the corrosive flux, thats a good idea, I never thought of it eating my board!
3: I tried wicking the solder off with my sparkfun soldering iron, but couldn't do it. What's a good temperature? What I did do however is run to ratshack and buy some solder wick and use it to un-bridge the connections with my chisel-like tip from harbor freight. It works

! When I could no longer solder to the pins because they had no solder left on them, I just dumped a bunch of solder on it and wicked it off... It worked perfectly(back when my pins weren't bent).
4: I tinned the wire by putting a glob of solder on it and then wicking it off with the iron... It also helped, However the IDE is just way to big.
5: Didn't think of the wire's causing lag... I'll keep the as short as possible. However, since I already had the cart-slot working, I just did one connection at a time. Tested it, If it worked - good. If it didn't - fix it

Also, I think I'm proficient in soldering... I've done a lot of it

. I mean I had the RCP going good for a long time, but I peeled a trace and it all went downhill from there... Which leads me to the question, what temperature should I be soldering this at?
Anyway, Thanks for all of the help! I'm really learning a lot! I mean today I fixed a huge glob of solder on the chip! I could never do that yesterday

Lastly, Pics:
It looks like the chip is cracked but thats just flux... So is the brown stuff. Also, I think I used to much. It probably just needs the chemical reaction.

This is probably what happened inside of the chip

- mymixed
P.S. Does anyone have any boards? I would like to get one as soon as possible.
EDIT: The wire should be here in two days.