The World's Smallest N64p Worklog!

Thanks for the offer! Maybe we should have a barbeque cut for N64's less than rev 8. That would be helpful... What It looks like on this board is that the capacitors are in the same place on revs 3-7, so maybe we need a cut for that :D. Thanks for your art beta! :D

- mymixed
I've been thinking of ways to cut rev5 and below boards as small as the higher ones. I think it's doable.
It's probably just a little bit harder. Also, has anyone ever pulled video from c15 and gotten black & white? I've gotten it on two of my boards. I know your supposed to pull it from c16, so I'm wondering if c15 is needed. Also, 2 more connections until I'm 1/2 done.

- mymixed
Awesome, one day I'll find out what two caps are needed :D.

EDIT: So on your diagram beta, can I pull L and R audio from those pins or do I put L and R audio into them?

- mymixed
I believe you connect them back to the outputs. I think I remember ßeta saying that you didn't have to though.
So I RCP'd! It all looks good, however it doesn't work :|. Pics:

So, any suggestions for troubleshooting?

- mymixed
The expansion pack is in the right way, just checked it... How long of wires do you suggest? I also tested a three games: DK64, SM64, and Rayman 2. Also, the LED is on so there is power to the board

- mymixed
before cutting the wires: dont u have another cart slot? y u no solder a second cart slot in its place and test?
mymixed said:
I could, but the cart slot looks fine. Maybe I will.

- mymixed

I mean for checking that the board is working and the problem are the long wires try with a cart conector in its original place, without touching your relocated cart connector.
You know you could have left the expansion port on right? That way you could plug in the cartridge normally. :neutral2:
OH GREAT. Well, now I know. I guess I just solder it on. HA. Thats pretty funny. :D. I'll do it tomorrow.

- mymixed
Mymixed, while I do sometimes get annoyed with how you end everything with your name, but you remind me of me, but you're way more talented and smart!!

You've got a real nack for this, and you seem really calm, patient, casually cool, and funny!

I'm really really loving this worklog, keep up the spectacular work man!