The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *01/01/11*

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Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

*sorry to derail but this seems like an important thing to cover*

One method I used to do was put super glue over all the hot glue areas to "shell" them in place.

But whats the best method for securing connections and such? I would think, the right combination of electrical tape and hot glue would suffice. Maybe gluing the components and then covering them with electrical tape and then super gluing the tape in place? At least then if things got hot, the glue wouldn't be able to slip off as much.

Im curious if anyone has some other ideas...

EDIT: I forgot to mention screwing components in place. That seems to be the best method, but that might be tricky for smaller portables.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

What SS said.

When I opened up the 64 boy it didn't look like the glue ran everywhere, it just softened, all the glue hard hard and slightly out of shift, but this shift was enough to kill the rcp connectors and detach the string holding down the heatsinks.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

Epoxy is magical but adds weight quick.

Also JB weld can be good.

Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

I've discorvered jb weld doesn't like sticking to falt surfaces. I used it to stick the screw posts in on the 64 boy, the coner ones were ok because they were in the corner with two surface areas, but the ones on the side were attached to the wall and it didn't work out so well. I had to re-epoxy them in place.

Thankfully the screw posts I use are made out of plastic so abs cement should work with them, the only problem is I better be accurate when placing them.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

Got a baby update for ya guys. I gave up on trying to find a local place to buy proper abs, I found a nice abs paste but that's about it, I just ended up making my own out of an n64 case, it's about time I started putting my old cases to good use.


Work on the case should come soon.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *11/21/10

Mo updates, I got some work done on the case, after 7 months of procrastination the box is ready for casework. I'll be starting with sanding the edges and getting the main screw posts in. After that I'll be fitting the components in for general placement, once I figure out where everything goes then the holes will be cut and screw posts for the circuits will be put in.

Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Delicious rough drawings.

I can't wait to see this. Like, I can't wait.

I'm building a time machine. I ordered a flux capacitor the other day from amazon.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Not everything he builds can be the world's smallest. :wink:
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

It's a gamecube with 6 cells, what else were you expecting?
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Haters gonna hate and makers gonna make, Bentomo. Just remember that :awesomemrL:
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Quick update.

Turns out from my test screw post that abs doesn't like to bond with either poly styrene or my plastic screw plugs. (this means I'm going to use abs sheets in my next portable)

But the abs cement makes a really nice and strong bondo, even though it takes like a week to dry.

So I fixed the screw post issue by cutting into the screw post and stuffing abs in it and on the outside, this is basically what i did.


That's it for now, I got to wait a while for the abs to dry. Like a week. :stare:
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

ABS cement has never taken more than like, 2 hours to dry for me...curing takes longer, but you can work with it before that...
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Well yes it's dry, but i won't be sanding the screw posts since they're on the inside and it doesn't matter what they look like so I'm just going to let them cure.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

Careful. ABS needs at least 10 days to be fully dry. Do not paint over the abs until after the 10 day mark, trust me (verified by Hailrazer)
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *12/06/10

i also found that abs doesn't bond with styrene much, but it does a little if you mess the styrene up with a thick grit paper first, but maybe you did that
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