Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *08/04/10
Well what do you do on a lazy sunday afternoon, reading modretro, sittin' in your mario pajamas?
You build a gamecube portable, that's what.
The project is back underway, I found one more piece of plastic laying around and I figured out why the last 2 pieces failed. I decided to use a broken hard drive I had laying around instead of my usual wood blocks, which was a big mistake, it cover 2 of the main suction holes, not a smart move on my part.
I also got a new revision C gamecube from a friend, that also came with mp 7 and twilight princess.
I do have to get some stuff still though.
I need the batteries of course, and some abs cement. And I'm going to try to use no hotglue in this case at all, I don't want this to meet the same fate as the 64 boy. I'm going with the mario method, although tedious it's long lasting. (making a screw post and screw for everyting. I've got some plastic plugs the taper themselves when you put a screw in, going to use abs on them to fuse them to the plastic.
So the second half of the case is done, the last major part of the case is getting the flanks properly attached.