The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *01/01/11*

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Frequent Poster

Welcome to my new portablizing adventure!!! In this weeks episode it's a gamecube! :awesomemrL:

6 x 6 x 3 inch case with flanks
xeno gc
psone screen
11.1v 9400mAh battery (the reason for it being 3 inches thick)
switching regulator for the screen to save MO POWA!
All ports including s video for home mode
both a and b memory card slots

I've been getting some secret help from SS and hail in the past couple weeks and it's time to make it public. I can't show much work so far but I can show designs and I have nearly all the parts.

The meaning behind the name: I wanted to make a reference to my great friend the companion cube, but I couldn't think of anything involving a cube, but looking more into the flank design I've decided to go with wingman, it has wings and a wingman is your companion. At least in some case, yes I'm looking at you slippy!

Anyway, now for some designs, the ones made in paint are the final ones, the drawings were made a couple weeks ago, unfortunately I don't have a scanner so for now I'll just post some camera pics.
I don't really like making stuff in paint but I needed something to do for finishing a paper a week early.
The fan is a bit crappy but it's ok for a mockup.
As for the color I'm going to get as close to the companion cube shade of gray, maybe silver but not shiny, which is gray I guess......don't judge.

As for now this is really all I have done so far.

More updates to come!!! :awesomemrL: :awesomemrL: :awesomemrL: :awesomemrL: :awesomemrL: :awesomemrL:
*UPDATE* 05/21/10

Sorry about not updating for a couple weeks, I was procrastinating about setting up my miter saw, but I finally got my mold cut and sanded. The mold looks really square but it is sanded on the edges so it's rounded off.

Home depot didn't have any * x 2's so I had to glue two boards together to get the mold.
*sigh* I really have to clean my room.
By the way that is the moonlight 64 case in the background, it died about 6 months after I finished it. I used really crappy wire from an old telephone cord I found, it was horrible stuff. I'll probably reincarnate the portable one of these days.

By the way updates will probably be a little slow for this project, I'm moving across town when school is over so a lot of stuff will be packed up, it shouldn't take too long to set my work shop back up though.
*UPDATE* 11/21/10

Well what do you do on a lazy sunday afternoon, reading modretro, sittin' in your mario pajamas?

You build a gamecube portable, that's what.

The project is back underway, I found one more piece of plastic laying around and I figured out why the last 2 pieces failed. I decided to use a broken hard drive I had laying around instead of my usual wood blocks, which was a big mistake, it cover 2 of the main suction holes, not a smart move on my part.

I also got a new revision C gamecube from a friend, that also came with mp 7 and twilight princess.

I do have to get some stuff still though.

I need the batteries of course, and some abs cement. And I'm going to try to use no hotglue in this case at all, I don't want this to meet the same fate as the 64 boy. I'm going with the mario method, although tedious it's long lasting. (making a screw post and screw for everyting. I've got some plastic plugs the taper themselves when you put a screw in, going to use abs on them to fuse them to the plastic.

So the second half of the case is done, the last major part of the case is getting the flanks properly attached.
*UPDATE 12/06/10*

Mo updates, I got some work done on the case, after 7 months of procrastination the box is ready for casework. I'll be starting with sanding the edges and getting the main screw posts in. After that I'll be fitting the components in for general placement, once I figure out where everything goes then the holes will be cut and screw posts for the circuits will be put in.
*UPDATE 12/19/10*

Got another update today, so what's a guy to do at 2 in the morning, is tired, but doesn't want to go to bed. Do his favorite hobby that's what. I got the corners smoothed down nice and flush, I also cut up a wave bird controller and got it attached to both sides, I was going to abs it but I took a look in my abs container and it's been getting a little dry without the absolutely air tight lid. So I'll just wait till I wake up at like 12 today and abs it then. For now it has glue in some spots to hold it there until the abs is on so the abs won't be done all at once.

More updates to come, probably very soon right after I abs it.



PART 2 of this update day. Got it all abs'ed up and now it's drying, I'll start sanding in a couple days.
**UPDATE 12/24/10**

Merry christmas modretro. I've got an update for you guys, a bell has rung because the wingman has it's wings. They're very tough and will have no problem holding up the portable. They do need some more layers of jb weld and sanding to make them look nice though.

More to come, and happy holidays modretro!
**UPDATE 12/26/10**

Another small update.
It's slowly getting smoother, bit by bit, here's after second jb weld layer.
**UPDATE 01/01/11 23** (YAY BINARY! :awesome: )

Happy new year modretro, time for some resolutions. I hope to finish this portable before mgc this year. (even if none of modretro attends MGC :cry4: )

Anyway the flanks are looking a lot better after 2 more coats of jb weld, they're not perfect yet though. I decided to do a little work on the dvd drive mounting system. I've now got the dvd drive and dvd mobo in with the mounting system, and they're completely removable, so the hotglueless system is already way better than using hotglue.

DVD drive mounted:

I've got enough washers here to kill a bull elephant space the drive far away from the case for the laser carriage to move.

The mobo is mounted using two screws and bolts held down the jb weld to act as the threaded hole. Work really well.

Here are the holes, it shows the dvd drive holes, the mobo screw posts, motor power cable hole (that little 1/16 hole up top), the data ribon cable hole, and the spindle ribbon cable hole.
UPDATE *01/17/11*

I got some work done today, the back half is almost done, the controller flanks need more sanding however, so far it's looking pretty good.


The hole on the left was an accident involving a dremel and a very thin peice of plastic.

Oh and apparently I made a ghast. Now I have to keep it in a cobblestone case.



This project is dead, a new gamecube portable will be born, the pheonix cube!
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I just guessed this about ten minutes ago. :lol:
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

Yeah, the fan thing started to give way. I was planning to post it tonight anyway.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

Holy crap, you already have the hard wiring done. Is it all working?
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*


By the way this is a modretro exclusive.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

Nice! Its about time you threw your hat into the GCp Ring! :)
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*


Maybe just having a little box with wireless controllers would be cool.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

NO! In my personal opinion the gamecube controller is the most comfortable controller of any system, although the wii is a close one behind. If I could hack a 360 controller without a lot of case modifying I would. But it does make the thing look smaller.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*


Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I agree, just have an area for a wireless controller reciever could plug in snugly without being shown or something.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

Let the man be creative. He has shat gold before. :awesome:
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

If you just have a wireless controller, then you might as well just bondo a screen on and use a velcro on a dvd player battery.

Ben's way is more creative!
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

Well I guess I'm not going to be the one using it.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I don't remember this kind of criticism when SS was in his early case stages of the trisixtyforce. Although he is an admin...
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I hated on those control flanks too. I hate control flanks. All of them.
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I like it. But the way your controller flanks are, it looks like you're going to have a TON of stress on the joint where they meet the main unit. If you do it strong enough it will probably work, but I personally wouldn't take the chance. Why don't you use the Wavebird controller as the flanks?

Looks great :) I bet I can get mine done first >: )
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I agree with jidan. If you can, try to curve the bottom part of the "screen" area, and/or try to make that part lighter. I reckon it'd look cooler too :P
Re: The Wingman Worklog (Portable gamecube) UPDATE *05/06/10*

I don' have an extra wave bird shell. And don't worry about the stress, I know what I'm doing, going to be using plenty of abs cement on both sides and hot glue for good measure.
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