The Perfect Video Game (in your opinion)


No Stranger To Love
There are thousands of great video games made since the 70's. Yeah, they're great, but maybe one game doesn't have the greatest replay value. Maybe it tends to get boring, then exciting again. Perhaps the graphics were flax. There might be a couple annoying bugs.

Mass Effect 2, is a perfect game, in my honest opinion.

The story line is absolutely fantastic. Better then the greatest movies I've ever seen, or the best books I've ever read. The story even changes, and can change drastically, depending on the decisions you make. The gameplay is great. Sniping people, blowing people apart with a shotgun, or just shooting them with an assault rifle. The people are almost life-like. You care about some of the people on your crew, to a personal level. The voice acting, body language, facial emotions and lip syncing, it's life-like.Your decisions affect what they think of you, and some of your decisions can even determine if they live or not. RPG elements are intact, but rather slimmed down. Balancing with the gameplay, the RPG elements are perfect. There are numerous upgrades you can make to team members, items, and other things. The graphics and optimization is excellent (it's the best looking game to date to be played on my laptop. It looks like the 360 version.) The sound design and music are also truly works of art. You can play the game 100 times, and each time, it can be a completely different experience.

Mass Effect 2 is a game that I can't point out any critical flaws that make the experience not enjoyable. This game never gets boring.

Have you ever played a game that you love, and has no critical flaws? Is the experience amazing? Share your experiences here.
I think the perfect game was BioShock.

It has remained my favorite game and will remain my favorite game. The idea of what Rapture stood for and how it fell is amazing. The themes and the hidden ones make you think, sure it can get boring but after beating the campaign I spent the rest of the time until BioShock 2 asking questions and making up theories about Rapture and it's citizens. Fans went to great lengths to find answers, I know the exact location of rapture based off clues in the game, it's a game that was made to make you think.

Even with the downfall of rapture due to the addictive nature of splicing and adam, I still want to go there. It's one of the greatest video game settings ever, once you play this game, you won't stop thinking about that great underwater Utopian turned dystopia in the sea.

It also has one of the greatest lines I've heard in awhile and a great plot.
J.D said:
Mass Effect 2, is a perfect game, in my honest opinion.

The story line is absolutely fantastic. Better then the greatest movies I've ever seen, or the best books I've ever read. The story even changes, and can change drastically, depending on the decisions you make. The gameplay is great. Sniping people, blowing people apart with a shotgun, or just shooting them with an assault rifle. The people are almost life-like. You care about some of the people on your crew, to a personal level. The voice acting, body language, facial emotions and lip syncing, it's life-like.Your decisions affect what they think of you, and some of your decisions can even determine if they live or not. RPG elements are intact, but rather slimmed down. Balancing with the gameplay, the RPG elements are perfect. There are numerous upgrades you can make to team members, items, and other things. The graphics and optimization is excellent (it's the best looking game to date to be played on my laptop. It looks like the 360 version.) The sound design and music are also truly works of art. You can play the game 100 times, and each time, it can be a completely different experience.

Additionally, and most importantly, Mass Effect 2 builds on the character of Tali'Zorah Vas Neema/Normandy Nar Rayya, the best character in the history of ever. I could make a very expansive list of traits that Tali possesses that make her perfect, but I wont delve into that. Suffice to say, every interaction with her puts a smile on my face (except for the sad parts, but they too are perfectly executed), and leaves me happy for days at a time. No other character, or even anyone real does that for me.

Mass Effect 2 is a game that I can't point out any critical flaws that make the experience not enjoyable. This game never gets boring.
I'm not sure. I haven't played ME2, but I heard it's great, and I enjoyed the demo. Mass Effect is good but not perfect. The side quests are often lacking, there's a lot of walking around and the inventory system is really annoying.

I liked CoD4 a lot, very cinematic and well-done. However, it's criminally short, and too linear for my tastes.

The idea of The Sims I really liked, but it's way too limited and impossible to do anything really evil.

Gerry's Mod is awesomly open, and very fun, with lots of possibilties. Insanely long loading times, spotty multiplayer, and awkward addons keep it from being perfect.

Strategy games are one of my favorite kinds, second only to FPS in my books. I think the much-maligned C&C Generals is my favorite, if not perfect. Good gameplay and decent interface. I'm one of those people who LIKE the base-building and resource gathering aspect. That said, Generals is as outdated in its graphics as it is in gameplay.

Being the cynical Playstation I am, I will probably never name a game as perfect.
lol, gerry's mod. Load times are fine for me.
I love Super Metroid and Metroid prime, perfect in my opinion. (and exploiting is fun) I don't feel like giving reasons.
Uncharted 2, TF2, and MGS4 also.
Castle of Illusion.

Excellent, vibrant graphics.
Audio makes great use of the Genesis hardware
Sound is never out-of-place and never grating on the ears.
Level design is simple but challenging, and varied.
The game is not too long, but not too short either
Has lots of replay value, and takes alot of practice to master, but is fun for nearly everyone.

Absolutely superb.
Kickback said:
Castle of Illusion.

Excellent, vibrant graphics.
Audio makes great use of the Genesis hardware
Sound is never out-of-place and never grating on the ears.
Level design is simple but challenging, and varied.
The game is not too long, but not too short either
Has lots of replay value, and takes alot of practice to master, but is fun for nearly everyone.

Absolutely superb.
I actually want to try that game now.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time.

The SNES version.
Perfect difficulty, variety of character abilities, levels, and bosses.
Very easy to pick up and play, hard to master.
Good Music, good visuals, perfect motive/story.
Variety of Enemies, Character personalities, etc.
Holds up to this very day as one of my favorite video games of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Im not giving a reason to my choices below (or they will be short)

1. Garrys Mod - Extremly open, allows you to build anythign you want, the only real boundry is what your gun can weild together and, well your mind of course.

2. Metro 2033 - Really great game, I dont know how to explain it. I like the idea of running through a train system, and the small detals, like having to replace a gas mask, or having a physical light to read the map, stuff like that pulls you in. (I also enjoyed the book and am awaiting for Metro 2034 to be translated)

3. Fallout 3 For running through an apocalyptic Russia, quite like the physics, your choice between playing 1st person like a FPS or playing it like a RPG.

4. Starcraft (number 1, Number 2 is great, but nothing special) For setting the bricks for the space-themed RTS's

5. Team Fortress 2. Utter fun FPS that takes away the majority of the elements of a normal FPS (like CouterStrike, CoD, Battlefield 2) and gives just random shooting in its place (even though I play the spy and the scout the most :D )

I think i like my list. Although, most of those games are relatively new.
Sig related.

Easy to learn, impossible to master. Too bad they are taking so long to release new version. ;_;
BoomBox-Creations said:
3. Fallout 3 For running through an apocalyptic Russia, quite like the physics, your choice between playing 1st person like a FPS or playing it like a RPG.
You mean Washington DC?
J.D said:
BoomBox-Creations said:
3. Fallout 3 For running through an apocalyptic Russia, quite like the physics, your choice between playing 1st person like a FPS or playing it like a RPG.
You mean Washington DC?


Sorry, thinking of yet another game, Cant quite put my finger on it :neutral2:
BoomBox-Creations said:
J.D said:
BoomBox-Creations said:
3. Fallout 3 For running through an apocalyptic Russia, quite like the physics, your choice between playing 1st person like a FPS or playing it like a RPG.
You mean Washington DC?


Sorry, thinking of yet another game, Cant quite put my finger on it :neutral2:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R takes place in Russia and it's pretty similar to the Fallout series settings.
J.D said:
BoomBox-Creations said:
J.D said:
BoomBox-Creations said:
3. Fallout 3 For running through an apocalyptic Russia, quite like the physics, your choice between playing 1st person like a FPS or playing it like a RPG.
You mean Washington DC?


Sorry, thinking of yet another game, Cant quite put my finger on it :neutral2:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R takes place in Russia and it's pretty similar to the Fallout series settings.

Thats the one I'm thinking of :)

Still like Fallout more though, even though Call of Pripyat is addicting.
My two favourite games:

1. Super Mario 64 - the glitch-tasticness of it makes it fun, and because it has some sense of nostalgia to it!

2. Super Mario World - has to be one of the best 2-d side scrollers to date!

I have no 4th or 5th gen consoles, and my computer is flux. So the newest games I've played are on the original xbox, and N64 and SNES are WAY better!
Hmm, I guess if I had to I would say Super Smash Bros. Melee would be the closest game I could think of if I had to name one game. Host of different charactors, intense replay value, perfect multiplayer, better than Brawl and SSB in my obviously correct opinion. :awesome:

Thing you gotta remember is, certain games are masterpieces in their own right, so I could add games to the list like Super Mario World, any GBC/N64/GC Zelda, Paper Mario, ect. I have a host of favorite games, but honestly I can't say one game is perfect.
