Gameboy color light modding

im very curious about modding gameboy colors to have frontlight

I am more curious to if there are people who are willing to do it for you
Obviously I would be willing to pay

I know it’s not exactly really hard to do
But I don’t have the materials needed for it and in general my knowledge of the gameboy systems goes as far as replacing the screen

I bought my gameboy strictly because I wanted to play the dancing furby game really badly but decided to buy a Pokémon game as well
But I find that with my bad eyesight it’s just to hard to play and even a worm light doesn’t help much

And that’s why I’m interested in finding someone willing to mod my gameboy for me if I shipped it to them
The shell it’s in has been decorated by me so I would need someone who can do it without damaging the stuff I added to the shell
And someone with proof of what they do and people who can vouch for them as I spent a lot more money than intended on the gameboy after finding out it needed a new screen and don’t want to loose it if that makes sense

And thank you in advanced as this is all very new but interesting to me the closest I’ve been to playing around with technology is fixing non working furbys gameboys are very new and confusing to me
First off, I think you are looking for a backlight, not a frontlight.

Second, something small like this could be easily fixed. All you have to do is buy a cheap lcd the same size as the gameboy color screen. You can then just take the backlight and run power to that when the gameboy color turns on. It will basically just be a panel that emits light. Then just put that behind the gbc screen.
Sorry. I just assumed the gameboy screens were just like other lcd screens. I will make sure to not assume things in the future.

The gbc has a reflective layer in the screen that cant be removed. If it wasnt for that layer, my idea would work.
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The GBC frontlight kits aren't that great. It looks terrible unless you adhere the screen to the lightbox layer (or whatever it's called) using LOCA, like on a cellphone. Backlight looks much better than frontlights as a rule, anyways so I'd personally go with that.
My first GBC had a frontlight panel, removed from a AGS-001 (gba sp) screen, and trimmed it to fit in with the GBC screen size (since the screen is wide, most of users place the frontlight panel vertically to fit, which I really don't like, specially when using clear covers, so if you trim CAREFULLY the frontlight panel you can place it horizontaly and have a perfect frontlight)
This was one of the most used methods, but you need to sacrifice the illumination on a GBA sp 001.
Then they started selling custom made front light panels specifically for GBC (kitch bent or handheld legends I don't remember which one) that fit perfectly into the screen size and are easy to install and to handle, I will definitely suggest you to buy those kits, you don't need to kill any gba sp and you have a perfect product already ready to install without any work to do on it like trimming, clearing, etc. You just need to solder two wires.
Good luck :)