The afternoon projects thread

So, for example, if ShockSlayer met Benheck, we'd get epic portables with epic cases.

And, by said example, if Tchay, Zenloc and Ashen all met, we'd get a gamecube the size of a fingernail that ran on micro SD cards in a solid gold case.

Therefore, by both previous examples, if Mario met brunoip, we'd probably get something along the lines of a portal gun built out of a stepper motor, a handful of LED's, some diffusion sheets and a breadboard.


Basement_Modder said:
And if B_M meet SS, ßeta, DJ, and BoFoSho, we'd get almost nothing and a power outage.

Yeah, but you showed up the last day which was after we did all the cool trimming stuff, and left before Beta/SS worked into the wee hours of the night.
You guys are too nice. :3

Here's something I finished just today. It's a USB wall charger, integrated into the wall itself. I bought a blank wall plate and cut out the holes for the USB ports, then glued them in. I used a regular LG phone charger (4.8v, 900mA) for the power source. It wasn't too hard to get it all to fit. The hard part was figuring out which breaker went to my room. It turned out to be the last one we tried. XD

Here's just a couple pics for you guys:


A robotic box for all the lazy people out there, or if you think robots are cool :D. Flip a switch and all your box opening problems will be solved! Intructables link: link. Video:

EDIT: Also, if you guys could vote for me in the instructables contest that would be awesome!
Spent the whole day today cleaning out my garage. Figured now that I can't do all my portablizing while I'm at work now that I'm out of a job, I'll need a place to dremel, drill, cut, etc. Setup this old crappy desk in the corner with a mega powerstrip, Xray lamp, soldering station, etc. Not that big of an accomplishment, but hey. At least I have somewhere other than my sweltering attic to work now.

ShockSlayer said:
I have never seen a powerstrip that big. :O

Looks pretty awesome.

They're made to be wall units in workshops. You can find them at almost any hardware store for a good $25 or so.
I could really use one of those, I might have to pick one up. My dad and I are going to fix up the lower level of the tower, with new walls, floor, and insulation, and we are probably gonna run another electricity line, new cable, and ethernet down there too, I can't seem to get a good wireless signal anymore.

Buy a USB wireless adapter and crack it open, solder a radio antenna in place of the little wire that's inside it, and you have intense signal.


Here is one of those powerstrips. I lied, they are like $70. Last time I saw one retail it was at home depot for $30, probably about 5 years back. Haven't checked since then, but I suppose they went up. :P
bentomo said:
My wos Iron man heroclick approves of this afternoon project.

A cookie to anyone who knows what heroclix is.
9000 cookies plus the 1 if anyone else plays.
I prefer Mechwarrior, but it's all quite similar :P
I built a benchtop power supply out of a computer PSU back in 2008. It decided to finally bite the dust. The power supply still worked, but the circuitry that powered the fan stopped working. I could have just hooked the fan up to the 12v line, but if it does not detect a fan then it limits the output current. So, instead of drilling holes in a new case, I just took the board out of another PSU of the same model and put it in.

Lemme tell you, that was not fun at all. I had to take out the banana plugs, desolder the power plug wires, take the board out, take one from another PSU, put the new one in, and resolder the wires in. That wouldn't have been so bad, except when I went to put the last banana plug in, it wouldn't fit. Turns out that there were a couple capacitors that were about a quarter-inch taller on the replacement board than there were in the old one. So I took all the banana jacks out, too the board back out, desoldered the caps from the old board, put them on the new one, and put it all back.

Then everything finally fit. I put connectors on the wires and hooked them all up, and everything works fine now. I hope I can squeeze a few more years out of it, because the PSU is from 2000 and probably already has plenty of hours on it. :P

Anyway, pictures.
The resistor is 10Ω and 10 watts, and is there to draw 500mA. Switching power supplies will burn out if they don't have a load. And the connector on the far right is the one that wouldn't fit. The caps I had to replace are right underneath it.



The switch on the left is the power, and the one on the right switches the fan off. I only use that when I'm trying to see how loud a different fan is.