The afternoon projects thread

Yeah, I was thinking about that. I don't have one, though, but if I come across one I'll definitely be adding it.
Finally got my gecko rack finished up after it sitting in my room for two years :P. running off a BAH-1000DC Thermostat with 3" flexwatt. please note, these are temporary tenants in there. they're gonna be in there until I finish their enclosures.



superben51 said:
You can get some from ebay pretty cheap. LIKE ME!
6 amps current draw!? That'll suck my batteries dry in minutes! D: All I have are the 9.6v 700mAh RC car batteries. I could stick three in parallel, but still. How do we limit current flow on those?
I forget then name, but there is a component you can buy that, when supplied power, gets really hot on one side and really cold on the other. You could strap those all over the head (cold side, clearly) and run them off a solar-charging battery circuit, so its always full when you go to ride it. Then, put some D/C fans on beefy motors on the bike and wire them in as turbine chargers while riding.

Edit- pelters... They were mentioned above. :/
What if you just put some kind of step up/step down regulator on it that can only output like an amp or something....
Does the water bottle keep you cool, or is to keep the bike cool? Just wondering cos i don't get it but it looks like a good project.

i built a bookcase.
KB, it keeps the bike cool. The water is circulated throughout the engine.

Ben - I don't think that's even possible. :? It will try to draw more current which would just end up frying the regulator. The only thing I can think of would be a hefty resistor.
Knocked up a mould for my next uke this afternoon. My old piccolo is next to it for size comparison.

Holy crap, that is cool. I haven't seen the first version, where is it? Any more build details?
Could we get a few more pictures of it? I'd love to try and make something like that.