The afternoon projects thread

You could have a thermister in a wheatstone bridge to control the temperature with the peltier. It'd limit current and should theoretically keep it at a constant temperature, as well.

Alternatively, could do do it as a microprocessor project and have a thermocouple to tell the micro what the temperature is and have the Peltiers active only as needed, and possibly through PWM.
Another Altoids tin project, gentlemen. I give you my handmade e-cigarette case. All designed and hand-sewn by me.


It should hold two batteries and up to six cartridges, or maybe some mouthpieces. Fits conveniently in my pocket and keeps everything protected and free of pocket lint.
the e-cig I have came with a case. it acts as a portable charger and enough to hold 2 cartridges. rarely use the thing though, I enjoy regular cigs better :wink:
I made a computer fan.


External power supply.


Its really crappy, Duron 800, 768MB ram, and ATi Radeon 7200. It'll play Minecraft, though! 10 fps :lol:
For some reason, after I did this, the Athlons I have wouldn't work in this mobo, otherwise it would have an 1100 MHz Athlon xp, and get 15-20 fps in Minecraft lol.

Also, soldering iron portable.

Ashen decided he didn't like where my towel rack was at MRTN, so he put it on my bathroom floor.

I just spent the last 15 minutes relocating it back to the wall, except this time, I put it over the toilet instead of opposite it.


Now I have to ask my landlord if he still has some of that yellow paint, so I can *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing patch the holes and repaint the bathroom.

Thanks, Ashen.

Ashen is such a badass. I don't even think he touched the rack. I like to believe he snapped it out of the wall with his super powers.
It rained today. My truck decided it would have some fun:

The brakes locked up going across a one lane bridge near my house. I slammed into one side, bounced off, and hit the other.
Because of this, I was given an afternoon project against my will. How inconvenient.
About an hour later, my grill was reattached, and I found the reason my blinker has been blinking too fast since I got the truck. A wire had been disconnected.

*sigh* Trucks in the rain.
Geb, I seriously hope you weren't going 90 on that little bridge in the rain. It's fun in the sun, dangerous when it's wet :P
You know me, going fast, burning rubber, and not caring what anyone thinks.

Also, I would've been fine if I hadn't tried to slow down first. :/