The afternoon projects thread

Got a sexy Gameboy in the mail from a certain someone

Backlit with a kitsch-bent EL backlight, biverted, prosound headphone jack


There are two slight pressure points on the EL panel, but nothing that affects the lighting when the Gameboy is on

EDIT: Fixed the pressure points and re-soldered the headphone jack, both were bothering me a little. Now I never have to open this Dang thing ever again
Guten Abend, Predue. Nice work on that PC case.

You gotta give that wood some love and make it look nice, though. Give it a stain or something to give it some more character. One of my favorite hobbyists from the Ben Heck forums used to make all of his projects out of wood and they looked beautiful. Look up Rekarp/The Longhorn Engineer's projects if you're curious just how far you can take wooden casing.
Messed with my phone.



This was the best kind of project because it's useless and I had no idea it was going to happen until it already had.
So, apparently the Bond 50 Blu-Ray set won't come with individual cases but rather a booklet style packaging that I hate.

one down, 21 to go.
Should probably get rid of that trial software watermark. :P

I know what you mean though. If they're releasing something mostly for collectors, then it should be pretty to look at.
I made some helping hands today. For the arms, I used the ball and socket Lego pieces found in Bionicle sets and now the Hero Factory sets. I used the alligator clips from a test lead I had melted the insulation on (don't short batteries, kids). Turned my soldering iron up to 900F, bit the alligator clip on to the end of a screwdriver, heated the clip, and used it to melt into the plastic. I plan on making a couple more and figuring out a better base.
They're not perfect, but they're quick to make and most people here should have the parts laying around.


I've been doing a lot of superfx commission carts for the snes. All the games I build start out as either doom or winter gold and then I desolder the maskrom and wire up an eprom. During the desoldering / wiring process quite often tiny solder pads break off and I need to repair / probe connections. This is to ensure that everything is connected right once it's all repaired and wired up. Thusly to simplify the process of checking all the connections I'd need to check, I made this chart:


Now I can quickly see which pin on the eprom is meant to connect to which pin on the superfx chip. This allows me to quickly probe all 32 pins of the eprom.

It's amazing what you can do with a soldering iron, a probe, and a couple hours of patience.
Today I took a magazine designed for a Browning Hi-Power and made it fit my Steyr M9-A1. Now I have a 32 round magazine for my Steyr, that cost me half as much as an official 17 rounder. Haven't shot it yet, but it seems like it should work just fine. All it took was some creative cutting to get bolt clearance and locking lugs.