The afternoon projects thread

LED modded a Pokemon Crystal cart
This was,probably,my first experience with bought parts. I used to work with junk until now.


It looks even better in an SP




Does anyone know how to fix big images here?
On benheck I used to put them in the spoiler tags,but that doesn't work here.
You have to fix it on whatever is hosting the images, or resize them yourself and upload them.
Does this look better? I never liked thumbnails.

Also,this cart was not working,it was acting like the contacts were dirty. It was actually a bad track (is that the correct term?) wich i fixed with a small pice of wire. might seem like an overkill but it was great as soldering practice.

It's two sheets of laser engraved plexi set with the engravings facing.
Hidden in the base are LEDs lighting up the two sheets.
Due to the same inner reflections of glass that makes "fiberoptics" possible, the light only effects the sheet it's in. The imperfections where it's engraved, and on the edges show up brighter because light reflects off of them in angles steep enough to escape the glass and bounce into your eye or other light interpreting device.
This is very similar to those weird furry lamps that were all the rage a few years ago, where the tips of clear plastic light up in cool colors, mesmerizing and baffling those that haven't sat through high school physics. :trollface:
Ah, the two sheets is what threw me off. I figured the high refraction of the material were a part of it, but I couldn't figure out how he got the white border around the red lights if refraction were the case.
Yup! It's two sheets of 1/4" acrylic. The original plan called for green lights for the tree outline and red for the ornaments, but my green LEDs were weaker than I realized and so I had to substitute some whites I had on hand. Using a laser cutter is fun and addicting! I can't wait to get back and do some more fun stuff! I'm going again on Saturday.

Thank you for the compliment!
The bits that hold my glasses on my face broke off in a series of events we don't talk about. I found some pens. I fixed it.


Best afternoon ever.
Tchay said:
Bruno, if I can become half the modder you are, I will consider myself an accomplished man.
learn to program microcontrollers and/or FPGAs. Lots of awesome stuff can be done with those.

KB, why is the headphone port on your 360 S controller grey and not black?

Because I had a white controller that was all grubby from being old, with mushy buttons, so I purchased a S controller Black case and decided to re-case my controller, now it feels all brand new and awesome.
I once opened a Master System controller to drag an eraser across the metal contact point things, then put it back together, it fixed it surprisingly.

This is the first time i've actually transplanted a controller into a new case though haha, the empty shell might come in handy for the Wireless Wii Classic Controller I still want to make.
Kickback said:
I once opened a Master System controller to drag an eraser across the metal contact point things, then put it back together, it fixed it surprisingly.

This is the first time i've actually transplanted a controller into a new case though haha, the empty shell might come in handy for the Wireless Wii Classic Controller I still want to make.

Be careful. It's addicting. You might wind up like me or Shockslayer and sell your body on the street for just one more motherboard.