The afternoon projects thread

Converted a cooler into a Mash Tun for a full-grain homebrew.


ProgMetalMan said:
We need a moonshiners knockoff starring groose.
Some of that show does take place in my state. ... and I actually have a jar of moonshine sitting at home.
X-mini v1.1 stereo speaker mod Success

the mod was to remove the default volume numb and extend it using IDE wire. 3 Pins only.
it took me 2 hours to do the mod,

1) fist i had to desolder the default volume numb, it was knida hard, but i managed, took alot of time to do :(, as my desoldering iron sucks ass as i frequently use it and the tip is black as black pete's ass:


so, yeah ass work, but got it done finally.

2) removed the battery pack by cutting with scissors the + first then -. it's a li ion and if you cut both at the same time => explosion O.O.

3) cut/trimmed/flux pasted three IDE wires i have form my IDE wire part i got from an old windows computer :mrgreen:.

Flux paste method: take wire etc, trim it and dip the wire pare into the flux paste, then add that to you area/part to join, apply solder to the iron and iron to the part + wire and boom solder joins with wire and part forming an instants, very good qulaty shiny, connection :mrgreen: :awesome:

that easy, as A,B,C and D.

4) then i attached the wires the volume numb, same numb as the tchay amp, and then attached the wires of the volume numb to the X mini board via flux method.

everything worked, except the third wire wouldn't stick, but i extend it via more wire and the third time i wired it, i got it correct :mrgreen:

easy mod. SO happy and glad it worked, and i did it myself.

video showing my mod worked: ... b32a3f.mp4
My computer parts came in today, so I installed them. An SSD, a big storage drive, and a multifunction panel. Getting them in wasn't that hard, wire routing was a nightmare. The Antec 300 is a nice case, but it's almost too small for the hardware I have in it. My GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr 2 doesn't hit the drive cage, but there's only a few centimeters of clearance. My power supply (XFX Core Series Pro 650W) isn't modular, either, so I have a ton of cables stuffed in the bottom.

But it's all sealed up, hidden, and it works nice now. I haven't put Windows on the SSD yet- I'll reinstall when I have time, which may be a while.
Taught myself how to program my arduino micro to work as a usb game controller. Could have just used a wired xbox 360 controller but where's the fun in that?
DK  said:
Taught myself how to program my arduino micro to work as a usb game controller. Could have just used a wired xbox 360 controller but where's the fun in that?

LOVE IT. I'm teaching myself arduino program right now! Taking some online tuts via youtube. Then I'm going to tackle FPGA programming ;)
Tchay said:
DK  said:
Taught myself how to program my arduino micro to work as a usb game controller. Could have just used a wired xbox 360 controller but where's the fun in that?

LOVE IT. I'm teaching myself arduino program right now! Taking some online tuts via youtube. Then I'm going to tackle FPGA programming ;)
have you decided between Verilog and VHDL yet?
grossaffe said:
Tchay said:
DK  said:
Taught myself how to program my arduino micro to work as a usb game controller. Could have just used a wired xbox 360 controller but where's the fun in that?

LOVE IT. I'm teaching myself arduino program right now! Taking some online tuts via youtube. Then I'm going to tackle FPGA programming ;)
have you decided between Verilog and VHDL yet?

Not yet. I think my PDF guide uses Verilog but there were some things about VHDL that I had liked (which I can't remember as I took a break from the guide for two weeks).
Hermaphroditus said:
In general from what I've read it's easiest to start out with Verilog if you already know a bit of C because it's very C-like.

I can confirm that HDLs in general are a mind*Can'tSayThisOnTV*, but Verilog feels more... modern? I wouldn't call it C-like, but it's probably easier to wrap your head around if you come from a more programming, less soldering-nand-gates-together-because-*Can'tSayThisOnTV*-that's-a-register-eventually background.

Also FPGAs are the flax and I encourage everyone to experiment with them.
Well this will be a struggle for me, it sounds like. I have some nice knowledge on boolean, binary, and that sorta jazz. And a little bit of Java skills, and I'm amazing at math, but thats about it.

I used to do some IC programming in my Digital Electronics class, Junior year of high school so I'm kinda hoping I can tackle FPGAs after I've warmed up with the arduino.
My sister's friend bought the limited addition spice orange metroid gamecube, But It's japanese so it doesnt play american games. My sister brought it home with her for spring break so I could region mod it for him.

The gamecube region mod is pretty simple. You just need to add a switch between 2 small points on the motherboard.

Here's the switch from the outside

I really need to get myself one of these gamecubes. The color is awesome.
I have a 3D printer at work that's essentially mine at this point. I made a pen holder for it and used Pycam and some gcode editing to make the paths for the printer.

Older pen holder:


New pen holder that can swivel, so it allows for drawing on curved surfaces. Say, perhaps, the faceplate of a Rift...

This is a test faceplate I was using, hence all the other marks on it.


(No, this is not confirmation of Portal support; I just wanted that on the front. :P )
Mario said:
(No, this is not confirmation of Portal support; I just wanted that on the front. :P )

Any Rift that ships with Portal support should also come with a lifetime supply of barf bags. Our bodies are not ready.
So when I eventually order my rift, I can have you customize a design to be drawn on the front of it for me, right?