X-mini v1.1 stereo speaker mod Success
the mod was to remove the default volume numb and extend it using IDE wire. 3 Pins only.
it took me 2 hours to do the mod,
1) fist i had to desolder the default volume numb, it was knida hard, but i managed, took alot of time to do

, as my desoldering iron sucks ass as i frequently use it and the tip is black as black pete's ass:
so, yeah ass work, but got it done finally.
2) removed the battery pack by cutting with scissors the + first then -. it's a li ion and if you cut both at the same time => explosion O.O.
3) cut/trimmed/flux pasted three IDE wires i have form my IDE wire part i got from an old windows computer

Flux paste method: take wire etc, trim it and dip the wire pare into the flux paste, then add that to you area/part to join, apply solder to the iron and iron to the part + wire and boom solder joins with wire and part forming an instants, very good qulaty shiny, connection
that easy, as A,B,C and D.
4) then i attached the wires the volume numb, same numb as the tchay amp, and then attached the wires of the volume numb to the X mini board via flux method.
everything worked, except the third wire wouldn't stick, but i extend it via more wire and the third time i wired it, i got it correct
easy mod. SO happy and glad it worked, and i did it myself.
video showing my mod worked:
http://s861.photobucket.com/albums/ab17 ... b32a3f.mp4