The afternoon projects thread

Jealous of your 3D printer. I know your pains of working with plexiglass. My suggestion is to try and find a plastic supply company in your area and pick up some polycarbonate. It might be a bit expensive, but it's so much nicer to work with.
Sorry if I'm off topic, but I think a lot of people here would benefit from a 3d printer. You can buy full kits as low as 400$ (and there are a few crowd funded printers for less than that.)
Is yours from a kit of any sort? I'm trying to built one this summer with my brother in law and we have been leaning towards a RepRap model.
My printer is a Printrbot+ (which was a kit). Technically it is a reprap, although its been slowly modified to the point where the new kit contains no printed parts at all. When I bought the kit, a few pieces were still printed but this has changed. As you can see, much of the structure is laser cut.
As far as building your own reprap goes, you could buy a reprap kit, assembled reprap, or acquire as many of the parts as possible on your own. You probably already knew that, though.
3D printers woooo

I have a newly-acquired Replicator 2X (paid for by Oculus - no way in heck I'd ever pay $3k for this thing) and a Printrbot Plus that I've had for much longer. The Printrbot definitely takes some tweaking to get really nice prints, but it's a very good machine. I'd recommend the kit, though I did have to make a trip to the hardware store because there were several screws missing and lots and lots of extra hardware... wonder if they fixed that.

3D printers are definitely valuable, though. It'd be super easy to print a portable case and sand/paint the outside to get a smooth finish.
Mario said:
3D printers woooo

I have a newly-acquired Replicator 2X (paid for by Oculus - no way in heck I'd ever pay $3k for this thing) and a Printrbot Plus that I've had for much longer. The Printrbot definitely takes some tweaking to get really nice prints, but it's a very good machine. I'd recommend the kit, though I did have to make a trip to the hardware store because there were several screws missing and lots and lots of extra hardware... wonder if they fixed that.

3D printers are definitely valuable, though. It'd be super easy to print a portable case and sand/paint the outside to get a smooth finish.
The plan I had all but 3 years ago is finally becoming viable.

Say, where the Heck is jlee?
Wanted to make a cake, so I bought some cake mix, grabbed strawberry icing because "hey that sounds good." About halfway through baking I realized the terrible mistake I had made: Pig is strawberry.

Here's what happened.

Now, to make 15 more until I get it perfect.

Yeah, I give your cake presentation a 2, because it's all over the place.

But i'm also a man, so if it tastes good I don't give a flax, and that cake looks tasty.
ShockSlayer said:
Wanted to make a cake, so I bought some cake mix, grabbed strawberry icing because "hey that sounds good." About halfway through baking I realized the terrible mistake I had made: Pig is strawberry.

Here's what happened.

Now, to make 15 more until I get it perfect.


Nice, pig cake.
Direpig will like this, ehehehe

Also, I see an exposed GC portable :P
Oh, yeah, I gave up after 10 minutes, icing a cake is hard as *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.

Granted I did everything wrong because I pulled it out of the oven and just started cutting it up and spreading icing, apparently you're supposed to let it cool, then put it in the fridge so it gets firmer.

I just eated some, pig is delicious
