The afternoon projects thread

I modded a gamecube controller to have 2 blue piranha led lights in them. Also replaced the analog stick potentiometer with a stiffer one I had on a different controller. Also my next gamecube portable in the background.


^That looks cool!

I pulled a pretty good prank on my brother: I booby trapped his birthday gift with a car horn and a flashing light.

I made a video so he can never live down the shame :3
hay guys,
made another neat mod!

this time a gc memcard 59 blocks official to micro adapter with built in 16gb card!

removed some of the plastic of the memcard (end part) using pillars etc.
used some tesa tape to secure the micro adapter on the metal mounting for the men card and used a bit of hotgule to secure the sd card in place :).
Etched my first PCB yesterday. Came out not too terrible on the very first try. Should get even better in the future as I'm able to refine my technique. :D

10 cookies to the first who can guess what it is. Hint: its not my design.
Finished the "smoothboy" and added rca jacks to my "Melonboy" today :D. (I named the new one the "smoothboy" because I sanded down alot of the edges and imprints and then after sanding it just washed it):

I made a bluetooth cassette adapter, like for cars that have a cassette player...
In the next photo to the upper right corner of the cassette adapter is the charge plug and to the lower left side of the little screw is a pinhole button that serves a connect button and as a off button
And lastly the charger
I've been doing a lot of hiking lately since the area around where I live is cool and wasteland-y. Yesterday I found some broken shards of antique colored glass in the hills, so I made some wasteland jewelry out of a piece of it.


Twilight Wolf said:
I've been doing a lot of hiking lately since the area around where I live is cool and wasteland-y. Yesterday I found some broken shards of antique colored glass in the hills, so I made some wasteland jewelry out of a piece of it.



Dude! I love tool as well! Nice shirt...and wasteland jewelry :)

Well this was my first modding thing ever. It looks a lot better in person honestly. I'd like to try some bigger stuff, but i don't really know where to learn about all this stuff. Well anyways, next im gonna do more of the same really. Just putting LEDs in the actual console to match the controller.
Pokémon blue SD card. I really only have blue SD cards laying around so for my current project that SD loads I made this:

It has all my GBA, GBC, and GB games on it. Yes, it does have Pokémon Blue on it. :P If anyone requests, I can add the label if anyone wants it. Keep in mind it's an altered version for use on an SD card so I had to modify some things such as moving the "Blue Version" up-top and removing the, "connect to Red Version to get all 150" and the "Gotta catch them all!" I also had to make from scratch the Nintendo logo and the "Blue Version" logo. Also had to filter and modify certain parts because resized them really pixelly.