The afternoon projects thread

a quick and dirty continuity tester
Damnit, Brunoip, you got me all excited, and then you were just commenting. :(

Also, much less ghetto than my continuity tester or shoving wires into a flashlight...

Ben, why did you even try to solder those wires?
You can get by with just one of each, I'm rather sure they can handle individually the current that thing pushes. You just have so many because the computer needs that many. I've had good luck removing all but one of them from my power supplies when I build these. As an added plus, it would make it much more viable to build that wooden board into the case, so that you don't have anything dangling about.
ttsgeb said:
Damnit, Brunoip, you got me all excited, and then you were just commenting. :(

Same. And that is a sick desktop power supply. Don't they have all kinds of warnings saying "do not open for fear of death", etc?
geb, I cut a lot of them out, but I'm not even sure why I used so many. I guess it just looks sexier that way :D
Oh and its not dangling about, its attached to the case with some pieces of sheet metal and screws. I guess i didn't upload that picture.
And bruno, its oak :lol:
Σigma said:
ttsgeb said:
Damnit, Brunoip, you got me all excited, and then you were just commenting. :(

Same. And that is a sick desktop power supply. Don't they have all kinds of warnings saying "do not open for fear of death", etc?
probably. I got electrocuted while messing with an open one once. fun times.
I think there's a variety of factors, such as where you're shocked, power going in, power coming out, moisture, heart rate, stability, etc.

TL;DR Try to avoid it. :wink:
Biggest risks with power supplies:
1) It's plugged in and you're touching hot.
2) It's unplugged and caps are charged and you touch a cap.

Unplug it, discharge caps with something metallic with an insulated handle, you'll be fine.
I've been shocked loads by AC when working with EL-Wire. It's definitely a lot more tingly (especially at 9 volts), and becomes a pain to work with.
ttsgeb said:
Ugh. AC shocks are annoying. They tingle more.
they're pretty fun when at low levels. I used to have some trick-gum that produced an AC shock when you tried to pull out the stick of 'gum'. Fun times.
I used to have one of those electric pens. At first I just left it lying around and everyone knew what it was. So I just started jabbing people with it.

I tried to get used to the shock by pressing it multiple times until i was able to hold onto it for minutes at a time. After a while my thumb (the finger I used to press the pen) would start jerking around and I wouldn't be able to control it. Fun times.
zeturi said:
I used to have one of those electric pens. At first I just left it lying around and everyone knew what it was. So I just started jabbing people with it.

I tried to get used to the shock by pressing it multiple times until i was able to hold onto it for minutes at a time. After a while my thumb (the finger I used to press the pen) would start jerking around and I wouldn't be able to control it. Fun times.
The problem with the pens is that you don't have much opportunity to offer one to someone. With the gum, I'd just kinda nonchalantly hold it in my hand and pretty much ignore it. It would be at that point someone would come up to me and ask for a piece, so I'd oblige. I let my victims come to me instead of stalking them.
I once got shocked while unplugging my playstation from my power strip. Very tingly. Have since paid more attention whilst unplugging electronic devices.
AbyssPWNS said:
I once got shocked while unplugging my playstation from my power strip. Very tingly. Have since paid more attention whilst unplugging electronic devices.

i've been there too except mine was a computer.... VERY tingly
I've been shocked at least four or five times by the mains (not counting the times it was intentional). Never gets any better.
Oh, I just remembered that I once burned myself when playing with batteries and wires. Apparently a couple wires crossed and made contact with my skin. The wire was really small, so I didn't notice anything until I smelled my skin burning.