The afternoon projects thread

Actually ran for about 5 minutes or so before the battery got too toasty for comfort. Wire stayed nice and cool. And yepp... playdough.
I got a pair of Turtle Beach X11s from a friend that had an earpiece broken off and hanging on by a thread of insulation. I soldered the wires back together and then epoxied the earpiece back on.

Here's what they looked like before I used my Powers of Restoration on them.

By far the worst part was washing out the foam earpiece covers. They were so grody and sweaty and oily... It was emotionally scarring. I washed them out in the sink with hot water and shampoo, and now they smell like shampoo, so I guess that's better.

So now I have these swank gaming headphones and I'm using them to talk to my friend on Skype right now. Can't wait to try them out on a game with some good audio.
That headset is amazing. I use it for my 360 and PC. Great audio quality all around. I wish mine smelled like shampoo though.
My long-dormant passion for collecting vinyl LPs has been reignited recently, and after ordering some vinyl online I discovered to my dismay my turntable needed new RCA cables. Easy enough to replace normally, but these are hardwired in. flax. I didn't want to have to disassemble the turntable so I cut the ends off the old cables and spliced the ends from a new RCA cable into them and sealed it all up with some heatshrink tubing. Works like new again. :awesome:
My power was out for two days, and I needed a lamp.



That battery is stolen from my drill, and is 12 volts. The lamp takes 3.3 though, so I put it into a gamecube power board, and got the 3.3v using a safety pin jammed into the board. Then I put duct tape on everything. I'm still shocked that this worked.
I would have just...


... yeah, that's about right.

I mean, you DO have the DS in the background, there.

Holy flax, that didn't blow up in your face? :O
Now it's time to run it through airport security, or ship it with the return address of someone you don't like to someone else you don't like.
My Laptop's Graphics card crapped out on me yesterday. I could only boot my computer into terminal and it had hundreds of lines running up and down the screen. I took it apart, and took out the motherboard and stuck it in the oven to reflow the solder. Put it back together and it works again. I feel incredibly accomplished.
I made an svideo cable for my xbox a few minutes ago. No idea if it works. I don't have a tv that accepts it. :dahroll:

Hooked up my laptop capture card, tried it out, found out I swapped luma and chroma lines...

Took it all apart, thanked the lord I didn't use hot glue this time, and put it back right.

Now I can play forza on my computer at 1/5 my native resolution. :D


... and by "I", I mean my drivatar. :D

Dreamcast VGA mod.

I haven't cut the holes in the case for the port/headphones/switch yet, but the mod is done and working.
Made this a few days ago, been too lazy to post it to MR.

Bought a whole box of 1x1 wooden craft squares at a garage sale last summer and now I'm putting them to good use. I'm not usually an arts-and-crafts type guy, but I'll make an exception for Minecraft or Zelda.

I also made a Mario one, but I can't find it so I can't put on the cardboard yet.

EDIT: Huge pic, just posted link instead.
I was thinking of doing my own project like that, but with stencils. I wanted to do Mega Man, Simon Belmont, Black Mage, Link, and Blooper.
So, I want to finish skyward sword soonish but I don't want to open the copy that I actually bought to get out the fancy Zelda Wiimote+.

I have one of these horrid things:


Which makes the Wiimote feel unbalanced and huge. Plus its a pain in the ass becuase I have to remove the Dang thing everytime I stick my Wiimote in its charger cradle. What to do?




I had to cut out a bit of the plastic from the battery compartment to make things fit nice, no big deal really.

Make sure if you attempt this mod you have the motion+ board mounted the way it actually plugs into the Wii remote. If its flipped upside down it does funny things.
"I didn't feel like opening a box, so I opened up two consumer electronic devices and modded them to fit into the same shell" "seemed easier at the time... still does, actually"

This is why Ashen is BAMF.
I made an infinity mirror:


Unfortunately it's mounted in my art studio at the moment so this is the only picture I could muster from my phone.

Partially in view is a clock I modded to run backwards, which I say is a response to the human cognitive process in the name of art but it's really there to mess with fellow studio dwellers.
So the hardest most annoying part of doing a Nomad Screen Mod is centering the new screen just right in the unit. The display on the eBay 3.5" screens are slightly bigger than the nomad stock screen so getting it centered is a bit of a hassle (plus the LCD "hole" on the nomad is slightly slanted). I found some packaging foam from somewhere and decided to make a guide template.

Using this crappy unit I have for the experiment, I cut the foam out to the exact size of the inside of the case, cut out the button and dpad holes so it would sit flush, traced the screen hole from the outside (easier since this unit is missing the screen protector), and then lastly centered the new screen with the guide in place and then traced and cut out the outline of the 3.5" display lens.

Daisy chaining some nomads together so I could run proper video while I was testing the placement of the display screen in the case.

Just the right size for the new display.

Cut out some spots for the corners of the screen for when I hotglue it in. Just did two corners for the glue to keep the screen in place, and then I'll take out the guide to keep stress-use slightly down when I glue in the other 2 corners.

...and here it is finished inside the nomad case ready for use.

I'll have to see how it holds up after multiple uses, so I may eventually remake it out of posterboard or some other material, but it'll do for now. Here are some shots on some other games so you can see the even-ness of the placement.

