The afternoon projects thread

ShockSlayer said:
Cool, macintosh cookies!
wolborg said:
Windows cookies Fix'd

Is it just me, or do those plates in XCVG's pic look like they are upside down and hovering slightly? Maybe I'm just tired...
Made a little holiday scroller out of an old DMG with an LCD which had lines in it - unsellable, but usable for projects like this.

It's mounted outside Me and Beta's (and kinda Aux's) door.

The ribbon cable between the DMG's front half and motherboard was extended so the cartridge and motherboard can safely reside inside. If the front half is broken/stolen, that's unfortunate, but not the end of the world - it was a duff LCD that had no other future plans.
I honestly couldn't think of a more perfect door decoration, now Beta needs to put up some $300 shoes and a macbook. :trollface:

That is really awesome!

Spent $90 on a car stereo, 4 speakers, and a 4 channel speaker hookup block thing...
Using a power supply I bought from an evil slice of delicious, awesome, pumpkin pie Zeturi and modded to be a 12v supply last spring, I recreated the most reoccurring afternoon project in this thread... This is like the 20th time I've done this, and I get some sick amusement from it everytime.
It's actually a really crappy pioneer, but there are a ton of stereos out there that look just like it.
The whole things is beta... eventually that will be built into an epic computer desk that is going to cost far more than I care to admit to build...

Aux is inside of Beta, apparently.

So, I picked up a mouse from my friend today.
A broken Razer Naga for $10, only thing wrong with it was dirt and a broken USB cable.
Spent 3 hours taking it apart and cleaning every piece of it with rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs and q-tips.
Looks like it's in pristine condition, but I need to get new adhesive on for the bottom anti-friction/slippery pads, had to take them off to get to the screws.
I also need to fix the cable and put some extra cover on the cable to make it look nice as the meshy stuff Razer puts on was ripped off by the mouse's previous owner.
Re: Deadmau5

Mako321 said:
So, I picked up a mouse from my friend today.
A broken Razer Naga for $10, only thing wrong with it was dirt and a broken USB cable.


I have wanted one of those forever! You lucky ducky. Now, if your friend could only "break" a Logitech G18 keyboard or two you'd be in bidness.