The afternoon projects thread

They don't need threads of themselves, and it was a project in the afternoon, so :dah:


and for a theme zero will probably kinda hopefully work on eventually,



All four were hand-drawn (well, the last two were recolours and several adjustments to the first two, but yknow..) to resemble this logo:

So less curved at the top, move the side up a bit, and more curved the other way at the bottom?

edit: to save page-break frustration;



(not modified yet, ima get onto that in a lil while)
Got bored today, had a spare phone cover for my HTC desire, and my 3 favorite colors of paint.

I used scotch tape :lol: I had a Dang hard time convincing my dad that I didn't buy it :P
So, my phone's battery died last night while I was out of town. I had to walk a mile or so to a shady motel to charge my phone between two vending machines. Bud was not amused :wtf: Got home, built a portable USB charger.

Put it in a OKW soft case. It's the smallest size they offer. Not a whole lot bigger than a pack of gum.

I cut the hole for the USB port too big, (as usual XD) so I made it right with epoxy putty.

3 9V batteries, a SMT 7805 from a PS2 slim, a few caps for stability from a N64, a USB port from the same slim. It's a pretty tight fit.

Never again will I be stranded without a means to charge my phone, or any other USB device for that matter.
Quoted from page 100. :3

Mario said:
Palmer didn't do anything with the thousandth post, so I'm stealing it. :P This took about 20 minutes to make, so I'd hardly call it an afternoon project. AND GOSH DARN IT I JUST REALIZED I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED THE MLP THEME INSTEAD GRRRRR

I built one of those, but it didn't work very well. The head was partially jammed against something, and I don't think my amp was powerful enough either. Is that your current project? One-up all of XCVG's stuff?