The afternoon projects thread

dave said:
Epic. As Sam said, it'll asplode if you're not careful. For more pressure, try to incorporate a valve or something, so you increase pressure in the tube, and then open the valve as you ignite it. Dunno if it'd work though..
that would only give you a burst. good for effect when punching people, though. in order to get better stream, he'll need more pressure in the tank. something that burns slower would help as well.
My dad threw out a dentistry oxy-acelytene tank on the weekend. It was pretty epic. Wouldn't be good for this though, unless you wanted to weld things with your wrist.
I was just thinking... What about filling up a super-soaker with a flammable fluid of your choice and then retrofitting the super-soaker with a CO2 tank or something rather than needing to pump it?
Not a good idea. My friend almost killed himself doing that.

If the flame runs back into the container of fluid, ASPLOSION.

You'd have to make it have something to block that from happening.
grossaffe said:
I was just thinking... What about filling up a super-soaker with a flammable fluid of your choice and then retrofitting the super-soaker with a CO2 tank or something rather than needing to pump it?

Man that sounds dangerous! I'd think that the flame would go back into the tank.

My dad is a general manager of an air conditioning company, and on his oxy tanks, he said that 99.9999999% of the time, the flame won't go back into the tank, but then if the flame does, there's a cut of valve [I.e. if the flame goes into the pipe, the fuel supply cuts off]. Probably too expensive though..
I took two pieces of plastic and engraved them with my Dremel. They each have one frame of Mario running. I overlaid them and used a 555 to flash them back and forth. For the plastic, I used a jewel CD case.
Build pictures:

A GIF showing it in action:

:awesome: ?
That is pretty dang cool! You make me want to do one with the Millennium logo, but I'd need four panels. lol
grossaffe said:
I was just thinking... What about filling up a super-soaker with a flammable fluid of your choice and then retrofitting the super-soaker with a CO2 tank or something rather than needing to pump it?

First off, most of them are cheap Chinese junk that leak; not something you want to use with flammable fluid. The same cheap ones simply pump air into the tank, so it is possible to charge it with air or CO2. You would have to keep the pressure regulated somehow (don't paintball guns have regulators on them?). But the really good super soakers that they don't make anymore actually pump the water into a second reservoir. This is actually more efficient, but impossible to convert to pneumatic pressurization. Electric, maybe, but not easily convertible to pneumatic. That sounds contradictory; what I mean is that it's impossible to keep the system as-is and just pressurize it with air; but it is possible to reconfigure it to do so. However, you might as well just start from scratch.

Anyway, I found out all this when I planned to build my own homemade watergun, being unimpressed with commercially made ones. I have a basic idea, but I need to buy or make a good pump of some sort.
There's now a chance I won't be moving in the fall, but if I can live without my shop, I'll have $2400 a year I can invest into tuition or whatever. So I decided to make a workstation in my house. There's a desk built into a cubby in a wall of cabinets, where previous occupants and myself used to have a desktop computer station. I haven't had a computer in there for over a year and a half, so I decided to make it a little more useful.


There is an outlet and a 21-led battery powered light installed on the bottom of the cupboard above the work surface. Underneath is a 3-drawer unit with computer accessories, markers, and important documents. To the right of that are two units of metal storage drawers, one of which is filled with tools. Mostly pliers, screwdrivers, multimeter, etc. On the work surface itself is a 20W/40W soldering station, the guts of a benchtop PSU I'm building, and some more storage drawers. Bottom drawer is miscellaneous wire and soldering gear, and the top drawer is parts for some small projects I'm working on or planning to start soon. I don't know where the middle drawer is, I think it's down at the shop somewhere. On top of the drawers are some electronics books, some boxes, and my PlayStation. Seeing as it's grey, I guess it can't possibly be Mulder's Nipples, can it. :gentleawesome:
I did that. But I'm to the point where I can't eat at the table anymore, and I'm sick of a TV tray on the couch.

As it turns out, the middle drawer was down at the shop. lol Now that it's at the house, I can fill it with stuff.
At least you've stuff to put in it. I just can't get the money to buy the supplies I need. Wait, I just remembered that I actually did finish a project. GBC with rechargeable internal battery and custom built start/select buttons. I lost the original membrane.