The afternoon projects thread

I made a vacuum forming table the other day:


I just based the size around this extra end table I had.. a clean 18" x 18". Drilled a hole 1 in diameter in the center, screwed on a floor attachment from the wet vac.


Built a box out of 2x4's, screwed some peg board on top, sealed it with silicon caulking and aluminum tape


Screwed the sealed box on top, seal the bottom with silicon caulking.


The frame latches with window latches and a couple 2-piece latches on the front.


The vacuum I'm using is 3HP, with 2" Diameter Hose


This is my test run using a trash bag. The plastic shouldnt web as much as this, but the plastic I've ordered to test with hasn't come in yet.

I spent around $50 when all was said and done, not including the wet vac, and it only took me a few hours to throw together!
Jewjo said:
Frontlit GBA. :mrgreen: Only, now I'm out of SPs.
The screen is too dark for my tastes and can probably be fixed by using a weaker resistor. I think it has a 150Ω resistor currently.

Good timing with this project because the next day, I broke my CGB, cutting the corner of the battery thing. I assume that the cut didn't break it, and a connection just got undone somewhere, but I don't care enough to check yet. On the plus side, the cut allowed for the cases to close fully. In retrospect, however, I should have dremel'd away at the CGB shell instead. :roll:
EDIT: After 15 seconds of messing around, it appears that one of the connections with the battery came undone. Will fix... later. :)
This is literally the only modding I did these past couple months.
Your game is facing the wrong way. Im confused
banditpaw1 said:
Jewjo said:
Frontlit GBA. :mrgreen: Only, now I'm out of SPs.
The screen is too dark for my tastes and can probably be fixed by using a weaker resistor. I think it has a 150Ω resistor currently.
Good timing with this project because the next day, I broke my CGB, cutting the corner of the battery thing. I assume that the cut didn't break it, and a connection just got undone somewhere, but I don't care enough to check yet. On the plus side, the cut allowed for the cases to close fully. In retrospect, however, I should have dremel'd away at the CGB shell instead. :roll:
EDIT: After 15 seconds of messing around, it appears that one of the connections with the battery came undone. Will fix... later. :)
This is literally the only modding I did these past couple months.
Your game is facing the wrong way. Im confused
@Machjs-Gorgeous work on the vaccuum table. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action with real plastic. :)
Tibia said:
@Machjs-Gorgeous work on the vaccuum table. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action with real plastic. :)

Thanks! So am I... I'll be sure to toss the results on this thread. I need to design an enclosure first, and I'm kinda working on this as I am working with the n64 motherboard, so it could be a week or two.
The Game Boy SP has a panel in it that you can take out and use to light a different screen. It's called "frontlighting".

See, Rings, that wasn't hard. And it's a lot nicer than giving a facepalm to one of our less experienced members. :wtf:
Well, there are lots of mods using it for the GB Color. Check the handhelds section or Bibin's guides.
Mario said:
The Game Boy SP has a panel in it that you can take out and use to light a different screen. It's called "frontlighting".

See, Rings, that wasn't hard. And it's a lot nicer than giving a facepalm to one of our less experienced members. :wtf:

Thank you for being a good example, Mario. I know some would do well to follow your example. >_>
on a somewhat similar note... I overclocked one of my gameboy colors.


The stickers were already there when i bought it :lol: