The afternoon projects thread


Anyway, The 4-cell prototype worked so well I decided to build a 9-cell version with velcro strips to attach to my PSP!
I have a Lithium Ion smart charger, and it's currently charging the 9-cell pack. Once it fully charges, I'll mount it on the PSP.
This took quite some time, maybe an hour or so this afternoon to get to this. A portable N64, the 'Paper 64'. This is because it is paper thin and almost as light as a feather. Quite tricky fitting all the components inside. Just realised, didn't post no worklog :/ awwh well, crap.

Not the cleanest thing you'd expect, but ah well. Most of the stuff I salvaged from around the house, so what could you expect?
(also: The cart goes inside/backish, which is why you can't see it! Forgot to say, soz :/)
I've made a second prototype of the PSP SuperBattery, and this time it's a 5-cell Lithium Ion Battery.

However, a problem arose: I mounted the batteries on the UMD drive cover with velcro and it interferes greatly with my hands. I'm used to having my middle finger, ring finger and pinky extending to the UMD drive cover holding the PSP straight while my trigger finger and thumbs bash away. With the Superbattery in place, I'm forced to "fold up" my middle finger, ring finger and pinky, to accommodate the gargantuan 5-cell pack which now covers the UMD drive where my three fingers used to stretch into.

I was forced to just listen to music instead of actually playing a game most of the time, and when I played a game it made it extremely hard for me to pass something easy, and when I desired to play something hard I had to take off the Lithium Ions and place them on the table to play.

On the upside though, I get stares from the security guards and other people when I follow my relatives around on Pacific Mall holding a black thing with buttons (PSP) with five huge cylinders taped on the back (Li-Ion cells) and wires sticking out of the cells into the PSP.
Use flat li-pos and lie them flat against the back of the psp, but only being connected to the umd cover.
Remember I velcro'd the superbattery at the back of the UMD drive?

Well, today, I decided it could use a smart charger to bring it back to optimal levels completely and at a faster rate. I yanked the superbattery hard to take off the velcro bond and you know what happened?

The velcro held super hard and I only succeeded in ripping the UMD door clean off. :wtf:
I seriously underestimated the power of velcro.

And worse? The two "hooks" that hinge the cover to the PSP is broken. :hit: