The afternoon projects thread

I was bored yesterday, thought I'd have a go at backlighting a vmu.


I was inspired by bibin's gameboy backlighting guide, I had all the parts to hand so I tried this first. It works quite well, but it's not perfect.
There's hardly any room behind the vmu screen, I used a thin piece of roughed up perspex to diffuse the light, so it's a little uneven.

Thats kind of what my pokéwalkers backlight is starting to look like, sadly its not bright enough yet nor have I come up with a logical power source so its been lying in pieces on my desk. How are you powering it?
nuclear fusion, probably. daftmike could do it. i really like the idea of this. seems very handy for playing in the dark. what size leds did you use?
I'm not sure about the leds, I got them from some random junk ages ago. They're an odd side-looking package, probably about 0805-sized, ~2mmx1mm.
I'm just running them from the 5V pin on the vmu connector, so they only come on when it's in the controller, not that I ever have batteries in my vmu anyway :wink: