The afternoon projects thread

EnterTheHatrix said:

I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.
Looks a little to good :P
BoFoSho said:
Antome said:
In honour of myself, my boredom and abiliy to make lines with a sharpie;



This took way longer than it should have XD
make one with my avatar on it :awesome:
You want me to clean my one off, and draw yours on?



I'll think about it :dah:
AfroLH said:
Somebody has an Octopus fetish... >.>
It's a blooper with a top hat. See-avatar-to-left-of-start-of-post.
mako321 said:
Better than your bed fetish.
I did both of these a while back
So, basically my friend gave me Pokemon Sapphire, but the battery was dead. Since I was lacking any real tools to remove the battery (it's secured quite well) I decided to just put a watch battery in there. Easy fix.

This is a picture of a desk I've been meaning to make, I don't have a CAD program, so I drew it on the Google 3D imaging program.
Yeah, I did a couple other ones without a dremel and they looked good but they were sticking out the controller really far. I got the idea about a year ago from the Controller King from
"OMG WAT A LOSER, this guy can't recognize a blurry photograph of something he's NEVER seen in person!"

Get the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* out of here with your facepalm.
No, he's definitely right, those have been shot before. Primers have an indentation after they've been fired.
βeta said:
"OMG WAT A LOSER, this guy can't recognize a blurry photograph of something he's NEVER seen in person!"

Get the *PLINK* out of here with your facepalm.
never seen a shell in person?!?! i pity you. get a life man! :gonk:
Unless he's been around guns at all or just happened to stumble upon finding a used shell on the ground, why should he have ever seen a shell in real life?