The afternoon projects thread

Twilight Wolf said:
I think this is what robm's referring to:


Oh, that's the jack for the adaptor thingy to plug into PC devices. The thing is it wouldn't desolder. So I just hot-glued it in. Maybe I'll paint it to make it less obvious.
I made a projector stand out of an LCD monitor stand and a piece of diffuser plastic from the same one. I mounted it today. :awesome:




One of the screws that went into the stud broke off. Luckily, the rest are strong enough to hold it.

And the underside. The strap is tightened by a piece of surgical tubing. Also, notice the creative re-use of the cable organizer in the back. :)

Questions/comments? :awesome: By the way, nothing about this entire setup cost me a cent. The computer, the monitor, the cables, the stand, even the projector. All completely free from things I had already. :mrgreen:
Mario said:

'K, so anyway. The power supply for my computer's LCD broke, so I fished an old one out of the garage that had a broken backlight. I took it apart, hung the LCD from my desk, and stuck a lightbulb behind it. :dah:




The light distribution is OK. The photo really exaggerates it, though. The little bar in the corner of the screen going to the wall is to stablize it. I don't want the cables being stressed too much. In the third pic, you can see the diffuser sheets.

Yeah. :dah:
Nice rejoinder, Snowpenguin. :dah:
If you will, take notice of Ben's first Commodore64 laptop case on top of my shelf there. :awesome: It is my prized possession.
Got any pics of the projector firing? Pretty ingenious use of that mount! :awesome: I will have to remember that, I have a few spare monitor stands myself. :)
Nice rebuttal, ShockSlayer. :wink:

It cost mah $30 shipped. Some day I'll actually put a C64 in there. With batteries. :awesome:
Jlee, most keys follow a more complex system. They have ridges, but they go at varying angles. You'd need a few shots at lots of angles to get down a more complex key.
Actually, Bibin, that's not "most" keys.
That's "Few" keys.

Traditional Yale keys are the most common in the entire world.

Varients of it, like the ones you're describing, only take up a small fraction of the locks in the world.
When I was little, I tore off the label of my Pokemon Yellow. So today I was bored, and did this..


It's not great, but I was sick of looking at a blank cartridge.