Thank you gentlemen, for your cooperation!

mako321 said:
how about we just cut it off and call him a girl? :dahroll:

Jidan said:
mako321 said:
how about we just cut it off and call him a girl? :dahroll:


robm said:
Those are far too large, don't inflate his ego any more than it already is.


I approve of this sequence of posts. Congratulations, you have all done well!
i donated half to the forums, and used the rest to payoff a debt. so yu guys got what i could spare
weaponepsilon said:
Hilarious considering that so many believed it. Even though Samir is a male name....

Samir? I always thought it was Samuel or Samantha, lol.
Thank you sam, for lying to me about you being an emotionally and physically beaten wreck.

Thank you for lying to me about how your father repeatedly raped you and beat you and your mother as a child.

Seriously, thanks. I thought I finally had met somebody I could open to.

Thanks for telling me that you were going to die in 6 months.

Seriously. You *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing "Flamboyant Homosexual".

I should really stop having faith in humanity.
I'm pretty sure Sam's a girl. There's a voice clip of her speaking on that one thread with the voice messages and there's a pic of her painted feet.