Thank you gentlemen, for your cooperation!

jleemero wrote:
I'm not going to stop referring to you as a woman though.

As will I.

jleemero wrote:

Neither will I. You are stuck with this forever, and new members from many lands will be confused by us referring to you as a woman.

Close enough to what I wanted to quote, took three tries to get it this close, lady.
this is gonna be good. i think i should change my avatar to some twilight picture and have my sig be something super manly, just to add to the confusion!
"Those meddling kids and their stupid penguin."

Also, sam, you told us like a while ago (LONG LONG TIEM) in da chat that you weren't a girl, so like, y'know, yeah.

mako321 said:
how about we just cut it off and call him a girl? :dahroll:

Those are far too large, don't inflate his ego any more than it already is.

lol? I musta been outa the loop on this one. I automatically assume EVERYONE on this thread is of the male species.

Thats pretty funny that he got 50 bucks out of it though. Lets lynch him.
let's sack him and buy stuff for the store with it.
or sam has to donate that 50 bucks to the donation thing on the site because we're the reason why he has it.