Thank you gentlemen, for your cooperation!


#1 Female Member
long story short, i won a 50$ bet because of some of you guys gullibility (not to mention my lack of giving-a-flax-about-what-people-think-of-me-ness)!

i am NOT a girl. after telling a friend about the original "sam is a girl!!?" thing, he bet me 50$ that i couldnt convince anyone that i was. he been watching the chat and forums for a bit, and today he give'did me 50$.

so, thank you all, for making my wallet a little thicker! :awesome: :awesome:
Well thanks for being a liar. Now you are on my ignore list.

Lying is not cool for any reason especially one as stupid as a bet.
hailrazer said:
Well thanks for being a liar. Now you are on my ignore list.

Lying is not cool for any reason especially one as stupid as a bet.
Wasn't it obvious that he was joking in the first place? Calm down dude.
Sorry but I don't play that way and I won't lighten up.

Lying is lying. I teach my kids to ALWAYS tell the truth. I don't lie to them about anything. No Santa Claus , Easter Bunny, etc.
Always the truth 100% of the time.

Thats why this world is going down the crapper. It starts with small things like little white lies and just snowballs.

But hey it's just fun and games and no-one gets hurt. :roll:

*ignore cranky old guy if he offends anyone*
hailrazer said:
But hey it's just fun and games and no-one gets hurt.

Exactly right in this case.

And why be all truthful and serious to your kids about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? That's part of the fun of being a kid! I mean, I think it's good you're teaching your kids to be truthful, and I'm not questioning your parenting, but both of those were important parts of my childhood, and it didn't screw me up or anything.
Twilight Wolf said:
hailrazer said:
But hey it's just fun and games and no-one gets hurt.

Exactly right in this case.

And why be all truthful and serious to your kids about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? That's part of the fun of being a kid! I mean, I'm not questioning your parenting, but both of those were important parts of my childhood, and it didn't screw me up or anything.

Guess the sarcasm was missed?

Why not lie to your kids? Do I really need to answer that.

Let me ask you a question. Think the world would be a better place with no lying? Think lying to kids teaches them the importance of honesty and integrity. Why then would the person who doesn't lie to his kids be the one considered a "bad parent".

Weird world we live in and not really a great one if you think about it.
No, I caught the sarcasm. I just used it out of context. XD

Lying is a bad thing, I'm not arguing that. However, I think there's a big difference between teaching your kids to always tell the truth and letting them believe in Santa or whatever while they're young enough. They'd learn the truth eventually anyways, but until then, I see nothing wrong with it. It doesn't "warp their sense of reality" or whatever (it certainly didn't affect mine), and kids usually just grow out of it anyways, so what's the harm?

I'm not judging you or anything, that's just what I think. I'll drop this now.
I understand what you're saying , but that is this worlds common fallacy...what's the harm.

The harm is what it leads to.

Would you let your kids steal a little bit or let them see you stealing a little bit, because as they get older they will grow out of it?

Same thing really. Morals are morals. What we learn as kids impact us more than ANYTHING else in our lives.

So I choose to raise my kids with the best morals possible , then maybe just maybe as they grow up they will make this world a better place and not a worse one. I wish all parents would do the same. Then i'd have a lot more hope for the world 30 years from now.

Long story short.....I don't like lying..... It does the world no good.

I'll drop it now also :)
Yeah, have fun arguing with the internet. It's like playing bloody knuckles with a doorknob.
I don't really get what's to be pissed about hailrazer.

He was just having some fun, and no one DID get hurt nor will they ever by this. Sam was trying to win a bet, and he DID tell us as soon as possible that he wasn't being truthful lol.

This isn't really a "lie" as much as a joke.
J.D said:
Yeah, have fun arguing with the internet. It's like playing bloody knuckles with a doorknob.

It's not an argument it's a discussion, care for me to explain the difference or do you think you might be able to reason it out yourself JD?

@Snow.... A lie is a lie. He feels he has the right to lie. I feel I have the right to call him on it and say how much i don't like it or appreciate it.
He started the thread bragging about it, he asked for it.
Nobody's perfect. People lie. You're lied, I've lied. Lying isn't ALWAYS a bad thing but isn't too smart. I just think you're getting your panties in a bunch over this.

We also aren't parents, so we have no kids to lie to.
Wow, you won a bet off of this.
Just wow.

I'm not going to stop referring to you as a woman though.
hailrazer said:
Sorry but I don't play that way and I won't lighten up.

Lying is lying. I teach my kids to ALWAYS tell the truth. I don't lie to them about anything. No Santa Claus , Easter Bunny, etc.
Always the truth 100% of the time.

Thats why this world is going down the crapper. It starts with small things like little white lies and just snowballs.

But hey it's just fun and games and no-one gets hurt. :roll:

*ignore cranky old guy if he offends anyone*
NO SANTA!?? :shock: :cry4:
Yeah, there was no way in Heck samjc was a girl.

I mean, really? Middle-eastern (by namesake, at least,) into electronics, does drugs, and actually talks to us?

Far more likely he's a terrorist.
