SS's flaxty 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.


Probably SS
It's bad, I made it quick.

Parts: 1.9v - PTR08100W + 903 Ohm resisitor and 2x 100uF caps


Someone should make a better diagram, this one is just a literal one for people who can't read the ones in Zen's thread.

Re: SS's flux 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.

brunoip said:
y u no use 16v capacitors?

I'm willing to bet he got those at Radioshack. 35v is what they usually carry.
Re: SS's flux 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.

Seems you did not recheck my thread. Do not use 1.9v but 1.7v It will reduce the total amp draw and everything will work as it should. Also hailraizer discovered that the output cap isn't really needed. So you can just remove that.

Check my thread to see the difference in amp draw for 1.9v and 1.7v.

I also looked at your worklog and noticed that you only get 1 hours and 45 min which isn't that long compared to my gamecubepocket. My portable incl screen and amp draws 2A which gives me 2.5hours on a 5000mah battery. So you should at least be able to get 2 hours. Check that you have your regulator work of 1.7v and 3.3v.
Re: SS's flux 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.

Only real use of removing the output cap is that the regulator takes less space and you need a component less. It doesn't matter if it's on it or not.

As for the 1.7v I have my gamecubepocket and gamecubemini running off 1.7v and both of them work 100%. I tested loads of games for really long periods and never had any issues. Tested on ntsc as well as pal boards so you should be good. Remember undervoltaging the gamecube will not damage it. So you do not need to worry about it damaging the board. If for some reason it doesn't work right just go back to the 1.9v or 1.8v. It really makes a difference in amp draw is you use lower voltage.

The CPU is rated 1.55v and the GPU is rated 1.8v both of them work of 1.7v. If you really want best battery life power CPU off 1.5v and GPU off 1.7v. In my custom regulator thread you can find all the info.
Re: SS's flux 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.

how did you make the 903 ohm resistor? I think the easier way is with two 1k8 ohm resistors in parallel.
Re: SS's flux 1.9v diagram for gamecube regulators.

Looking at the pic he made a series, maybe 820+82 ohm?