My parts list and links so far (only parts that have shipped):
Gc (Obviously)- early revision w/ IPL1.0 Dol-CPU-10
Controllers (a pile of wired/wireless to pick from)
Batteries/protection circuit/charger
Screen: 7” Pillow TFT LCD from ebay
Case: the good ole ZN-40 or maybe the 45 (or technically both)
Zenloc Custom regulators for 5v,3.3v,1.9v
Caps/resistors- I found a vendor with the exact spec resistors for the regulators, no mixing and matching.
Tact switches (rubber) and clicky and some shorter ones and juuuust in case some tiny ones
SPDT, DPDT, and Normally Open switches from radioshack
10k ohm Wheel Pot
Headphone jack (switchable)
Portable speakers/amp
Female power connector
Heat sinks
Wire, 30g kynar and 22g solid from RS
Diamond Dremel wheels Harbor Freight
Solder and iron
Epoxy/CA Superglue: HF or Hobby Lobby, big ole pile of different options
Hot Glue/gun
Test leads
Desoldering wick (best invention EVER)
Stepping bits, drill bits
Sand paper: course through fine
Large particle board for portable workspace safety
Safety glasses, gloves
Hand tools
Drill Press, the poor man’s CNC
Forums and Guides read, bookmarked, and re-read… check
Confidence level: high
Probability that I will finish this without killing a bunch of pcb’s: low (shut up brain! I’m doin this!!)
Planned mods:
The screen is basically as large as the zn case, I have one zn-40 and one zn-45 and I plan to join a section from the middle of one into the other (think limo style). I’ll try plastic welding (friction welding) them with abs fill rod and if it works I’ll post a how-to guide.
WKF instead of DD
Charge and play wiring
Switchable p1/p2
Considering trying video out
Work so far:
Parts received, GC opened and boards removed. I have set the DD aside for Tshooting or pot removal in case I need one. Portable speakers gutted for amp/speakers.
The GC mobo fits inside the zn-40 without modification, I may not need to trim the board. I definitely don’t want to get overly confident in my first portable and try to set any records for size.
Need to solder the batteries to the protection pcb today for testing everything.
I have soldered up the custom regulator chain, testing Vout against batteries today once they’re ready. Will also test the monitor’s composite-in, check for dead pixels, quality etc. while I have the batteries out.
Regulator pics (chained together per a post I found, seemed easier than running ground for each):

Will try to start soldering up the WKF ribbon today or it’ll have to wait until next week. This project is a surprise for the family so I can only work on my toys between 1 and 5p m-thurs when no one is home and only if work allows. I plan to tackle this first so I don’t waste any time modifying the board only to find I messed something up for wiring the wkf. Get the hard stuff out of the way first, ya know? Nothing groundbreaking in the design, most of it is sampled/stolen from other people's portables... but, that's what first attempts are for right?
Gc (Obviously)- early revision w/ IPL1.0 Dol-CPU-10
Controllers (a pile of wired/wireless to pick from)
Batteries/protection circuit/charger
Screen: 7” Pillow TFT LCD from ebay
Case: the good ole ZN-40 or maybe the 45 (or technically both)
Zenloc Custom regulators for 5v,3.3v,1.9v
Caps/resistors- I found a vendor with the exact spec resistors for the regulators, no mixing and matching.
Tact switches (rubber) and clicky and some shorter ones and juuuust in case some tiny ones
SPDT, DPDT, and Normally Open switches from radioshack
10k ohm Wheel Pot
Headphone jack (switchable)
Portable speakers/amp
Female power connector
Heat sinks
Wire, 30g kynar and 22g solid from RS
Diamond Dremel wheels Harbor Freight
Solder and iron
Epoxy/CA Superglue: HF or Hobby Lobby, big ole pile of different options
Hot Glue/gun
Test leads
Desoldering wick (best invention EVER)
Stepping bits, drill bits
Sand paper: course through fine
Large particle board for portable workspace safety
Safety glasses, gloves
Hand tools
Drill Press, the poor man’s CNC
Forums and Guides read, bookmarked, and re-read… check
Confidence level: high
Probability that I will finish this without killing a bunch of pcb’s: low (shut up brain! I’m doin this!!)
Planned mods:
The screen is basically as large as the zn case, I have one zn-40 and one zn-45 and I plan to join a section from the middle of one into the other (think limo style). I’ll try plastic welding (friction welding) them with abs fill rod and if it works I’ll post a how-to guide.
WKF instead of DD
Charge and play wiring
Switchable p1/p2
Considering trying video out
Work so far:
Parts received, GC opened and boards removed. I have set the DD aside for Tshooting or pot removal in case I need one. Portable speakers gutted for amp/speakers.
The GC mobo fits inside the zn-40 without modification, I may not need to trim the board. I definitely don’t want to get overly confident in my first portable and try to set any records for size.
Need to solder the batteries to the protection pcb today for testing everything.
I have soldered up the custom regulator chain, testing Vout against batteries today once they’re ready. Will also test the monitor’s composite-in, check for dead pixels, quality etc. while I have the batteries out.
Regulator pics (chained together per a post I found, seemed easier than running ground for each):

Will try to start soldering up the WKF ribbon today or it’ll have to wait until next week. This project is a surprise for the family so I can only work on my toys between 1 and 5p m-thurs when no one is home and only if work allows. I plan to tackle this first so I don’t waste any time modifying the board only to find I messed something up for wiring the wkf. Get the hard stuff out of the way first, ya know? Nothing groundbreaking in the design, most of it is sampled/stolen from other people's portables... but, that's what first attempts are for right?