Hey all,
I'll get this out right now, I haven't been in this scene for a while. A few years at least. A few years ago I decided to create a GC Portable with batteries and a screen and all that. I had grand plans, I read every thread I could find (although never really posted everything as you can see). I ordered parts, I scrounged for money and to find a GC of the correct revision near me.
I bought all the things I thought I would need and then I started building. I soldered my regulators, trimmed the onboard one off the RevC board I had. I connected my batteries. I wired the WiiKey up to the DD port on the board, I updated the firmware(software?) on it, wired up the switch on pin 29 and tested and everything worked! I was able to boot and play Melee for a bit even.
But then life happened. School, work, school, work, school, graduation, real job. I lost my drive to get it done, all my motivation disappeared or transferred to other things. But I don't want it to die! I put too much money, time, and work into it for it to sit in a box under by bed until the end of time. So I want one of you to have it it. Have it all! All I ask for in return is:
I want to trade all of my GC Portable parts, as well as the GC things(shell, front controller/memcard plate/switches, etc.) In exchange for a GC with WiiKey Fusion or whatever DD replacement chip is in style these days and SD Gecko. If you want to see what I've got, here's a link to my build thread on GC-Forever: http://www.gc-forever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1175&hilit=fraks
Also would accept if someone wanted to just straight buy this stuff, then I could commission a modded GC separately. Either way really.
Here is a list of all the things included in my offer:
I know I have 0 rep here, but check out my build/worklog on GC forever to get a sense of who I am, and what I've gotten done. If there's any other way to convince you guys, I'm all ears.
Give me a little while and I'll get all my work pictures up as well
Edit: Pics
The whole package wired up as of my last post:
The WiiKey Fusion Screen:
One of the batteries before I removed it from the case:
And the enclosure I was going to use:
I'll get this out right now, I haven't been in this scene for a while. A few years at least. A few years ago I decided to create a GC Portable with batteries and a screen and all that. I had grand plans, I read every thread I could find (although never really posted everything as you can see). I ordered parts, I scrounged for money and to find a GC of the correct revision near me.
I bought all the things I thought I would need and then I started building. I soldered my regulators, trimmed the onboard one off the RevC board I had. I connected my batteries. I wired the WiiKey up to the DD port on the board, I updated the firmware(software?) on it, wired up the switch on pin 29 and tested and everything worked! I was able to boot and play Melee for a bit even.
But then life happened. School, work, school, work, school, graduation, real job. I lost my drive to get it done, all my motivation disappeared or transferred to other things. But I don't want it to die! I put too much money, time, and work into it for it to sit in a box under by bed until the end of time. So I want one of you to have it it. Have it all! All I ask for in return is:
I want to trade all of my GC Portable parts, as well as the GC things(shell, front controller/memcard plate/switches, etc.) In exchange for a GC with WiiKey Fusion or whatever DD replacement chip is in style these days and SD Gecko. If you want to see what I've got, here's a link to my build thread on GC-Forever: http://www.gc-forever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1175&hilit=fraks
Also would accept if someone wanted to just straight buy this stuff, then I could commission a modded GC separately. Either way really.
Here is a list of all the things included in my offer:
- GC RevC mobo
- Untrimmed (Although the on-board regulator has been removed)
- IPL > 1.0
- DD already replaced with jumber wires to Wiikey FCC
- (Wiikey Fusion w/ 1.5 installed and the sd card slot) Edit: Come to think of it, maybe not. especially if you'd have to source one anyway, might be easier to just solder the adaptor to the GC mobo and I can just plug mine in. Either way could work though
- "Zenlocs Regulators" for 1.9, 3.3, and 5 V
- 2 2500 mAh camcorder batteries, out of the plastic cases
- This Screen https://www.chinavasion.com/china/w...adrest_Monitor_7_Inch-Display_Screen_for_Cars
- The enclosure I was going to use, a Barbie Labptop. I started doing some casework before the Project was abandoned.
- Possibly some other things I've forgotten
- Heat sink with the fan in it? Forget the name
- Stock GC Heat sink + fan
I know I have 0 rep here, but check out my build/worklog on GC forever to get a sense of who I am, and what I've gotten done. If there's any other way to convince you guys, I'm all ears.
Give me a little while and I'll get all my work pictures up as well
Edit: Pics

The whole package wired up as of my last post:

The WiiKey Fusion Screen:

One of the batteries before I removed it from the case:

And the enclosure I was going to use:

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