Sprocket64 Worklog. FINISHED. See page 27.

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Wow, thanks! It even comes with the charger. :mrgreen:
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

'K, so I got about $300 for my birthday. :awesomemario: So I'll order those bateries right away and have this sucker finished in no time!

Or at least, that's the plan. :P It never works out that way.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Ookay, so I got the batteries. Hooray for cheap chinese crap. :awesome:
Anybody know if it's okay to charge them both at the same time? I kinda overlooked that when buying them. :P
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Should be fine to charge them at the same time, but I don't see why you can't do them separately. :?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

They're the same, 7.5v 2300mAh. But I'm just not sure if it's OK or not. I just don't want to put in a switch for the batteries, it'd just be easier to charge them both at once.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

I know to wire them in parallel. :wtf: I'm just not sure, since the charger is only meant to charge one battery at once, if it will be OK to charge both at the same time.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Prolly is okay, it'll just take twice as long to charge, I believe.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

zeturi said:
Probably is okay, it'll just take twice as long to charge, I believe.
Yes. What exactly does the charger put out?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

The charger puts out 8.4v at 600mA.

So I wired up the 3.3v regulator and charged the batteries and trimmed the N64 board and jumper pack. I haven't tested the batteries yet, but the N64 and regulator work great. I trimmed the board a lot and made the jumper pack really small.

Comparison to regular board:

You can see the jumper pack here:

You know those two capacitors near the top, where the power connector was? I relocated them here:

They probably aren't needed, but I put them there anyway. I'm also thinking of a completely different case idea - making it portrait style and taking off about a half-inch. I've got the plastic to do it, so we'll see...
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Is that heat sink sufficient? What do you do to raise the RAM chip to heatsink height? Can we get a profile shot?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

he just added a second copper sheet over the ram to raise it enough. (or so earlier pics would say)
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

βeta said:
Is that heat sink sufficient? What do you do to raise the RAM chip to heatsink height? Can we get a profile shot?
The heatsink gets pretty hot, but I'm not sure if the N64 will crash or not, since it is running at 3.1v instead of 3.05v. Daftmike did tests in open air without heatsinks on his N64. He set up 8 bots on Perfect Dark and it ran for (IIRC) 4+ hours without crashing. It was undervolted to 3.05v.
That means my heatsink should be quite adequate in open air. I don't know how it might be crammed in a small case. I'll have to do tests.

I found a picture on page 2 of my copper RAM riser. :wink:


I'll update this really soon. I'm ditching my old case idea and am making a new one. Pics later today! :)