Sprocket64 Worklog. FINISHED. See page 27.


Gin-Choobinest Member
Staff member

Okay, since most of this worklog was already written up on the Benheck.com forums, I'll just quickly go through the making of so far.

So, here's the screen. It can go from 4:3 to 16:9 with the flip of a switch. It originally took composite only, but after looking up the datasheet for the main video chip, I found it can take Y/C inputs. (S-video) So I spent an hour trying to get s-video to work, then found out I was reading the datasheet incorrectly, then tried for another half-hour to get it to work. Then, I realized the datasheet was WRONG and had two pins switched. After that, I got it working in under 5 minutes.

So now it takes s-video instead of composite. The quality is absolutely wonderful. It's just as good as the PSOne screen, only slightly less sharp of a picture. It's hardly noticeable, really. And when the screen is in 4:3 mode, it's a bit bigger screen size than the PSOne screen. Anyway, here's pics.




My camera is pretty crappy, so the pictures didn't come out that well. But the colors are nice and the clarity is great.

The front of the case is the entire screen, while the sides and back are made from an NES top. The top side is a grill from a computer speaker, for ventilation and just general coolness. I also won't have to drill speaker holes.



The case will be painted black, but the controller flanks will stay white. They cant be painted, anyway. The plastic is too slick.

The flanks were vacuum-formed from 1.5mm plastic. Here is the mold, former, and roughly cut pieces:




Here are the flanks, attached to the screen bezel and all holes cut out:


And the finished C and A/B buttons being held in:


That's about it so far. I've started some work on the N64, just your standard desoldering, etc. I need to relocate the cart slot, now.


Pictures and updates when they happen!
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog

Love it so far, was wondering what happened with this one!

Anyways, I still don't approve of (what appears to be)your intensely insstable controller flanks, but then again I would love to be proved wrong! :D

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog

What's with the wires on the N64 mobo?

Anyway, good job so far!
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog

ShockSlayer said:
Love it so far, was wondering what happened with this one!

Anyways, I still don't approve of (what appears to be)your intensely insstable controller flanks, but then again I would love to be proved wrong! :D


You aren't supposed to hold the flanks themselves. :wink: You hold the back and simply press the buttons. It's quite easy to hold, actually.

XCVG said:
What's with the wires on the N64 mobo?

Anyway, good job so far!

It used to be my home console, so I overclocked it. But now that it's for a portable, I want it to make less heat and draw less power. So it's not overclocked anymore.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog

Ah, that makes perfect sense. I knew you had something awesome planned!

Oh, and if you make the right calls, you can sell it for lots. :wink:

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Cart Slot Relocation YAY!

'K, so today I did the cartridge relocation! :awesome: It worked first try kuz I was careful. :mrgreen:


Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Cart Slot Relocation YAY!

ShockSlayer said:
Awesome, then again, it always works first try for me. :awesome:

Cept you've gone through how many n64s....lol?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Cart Slot Relocation YAY!

The first time I tried to relocate a cart slot I fried my N64. Never knew if the relocation worked. This time I'm not going to bother. N64s are too hard to find and usually too expensive to fry.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Cart Slot Relocation YAY!

XCVG said:
The first time I tried to relocate a cart slot I fried my N64. Never knew if the relocation worked. This time I'm not going to bother. N64s are too hard to find and usually too expensive to fry.
There like a dime a dozen lol?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Here's what my heatsink is going to be. I needed it to be thin but transfer heat well, so here's what I did.

And a copper riser for the RAM:

I need to get thermal grease at "The Shack" and figure out a way to keep this thing from moving.
Also, I just sold a battery for $30 and an SNES Mini for $10, so I'z got some cash for this project! (and my weed whacker powered bicycle. :wink: )

:awesomemario: ( < Thanks SS!)
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Let me know how that heatsink ends up working, it looks absolutely sick. Also, where did you get that copper?

I am gonna post a lot of info on that 3.5" DX screen soon, the datasheet says it can use svideo. Maybe you can help me get it working right. ;)
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

I don't even remember when I got that copper. It was years ago. :P

But I'd love to help with the s-video thing. Where is the datasheet?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

You weren't looking hard enough. :wink:


That's part of a schematic that was in the datasheet. There is CVBS1, which is probably composite input, and there's S-video. You obviously want s-video. Also, the outer circle is ground and the middle pin is the signal.

Several pages before, it shows this:


Your chip in that list is QFN, not LQFN. So MUX1, your Luma (Y) input, is pin 12. The Chroma (C) input, CIN0, is pin 15. It looks like each signal goes through a 0.1uF and is connected to ground through a 75ohm resistor.

So here's what you should do. Find those pins, 12 and 15. See if they are connected to ground through a 0.1uF cap. (Meaning they are unused) Cut the cap from ground and wire a 75ohm resister from it to ground. Connect your signal where the resistor and capacitor meet. Do that for both Luma and Chroma pins.

Then, see what the composite input pin (pin 13, MUX0) is connected to. If it's anything other than connected to ground through a 0.1uF cap, make it so. That will disable that input.

Hope that works! Tell me how it goes.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

Ah, now I think I get it!

EDIT: Woops, stupid question. Did not read hard enough!

Thanks for the help, I will be trying that in the next day or so!
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Copper Sheet Heatsink!

That is what I am using for the heatsink! (everything else was too thick.) :awesomemario: